O_C_C_U_P_Y the W. E. F. !!!

Mar 02, 2023 21:35

I find this Op-Ed interesting, and telling.  It blames the mass dies-offs of insects, et al, on capitalism.  In the same way, the WEF, et al, has been blaming the world's problems on capitalism and world population.  And, so, their, "Great Reset," has been - now conclusively - undertaking a massive, military operation to depopulate the planet, with the implementation of the COVID pandemic, and the first real strike: The lethal COVID injection bioweapon, which was the whole point of thee pandemic, to begin with.

When was this Op-Ed written?  In September of 2019.  The COVID virus was up and about already in August of 2019.  Not long after an official pandemic, "dry-run," programme - one of several, in fact.  It is possible that this Op-Ed was part of the vast propaganda prep for the COVID pandemic, et al.  And, also, one of their many prognosticating, "tells."  It is quite obvious that the whole, "Great Reset," depopulation agenda has not only exploited several trends identified or claimed by scientists, like global warming, species-die-offs, the great generational 'turning', solar and geohistorical patterns, the collapse of credit and the dollar, impending military conflicts, and so on.  But, not only that, the very, very rich people behind that parasitic movement have worked to, in fact, help such predicted trends along.

Such as by releasing viral pandemics.  Such as by destroying energy infrastructures.  Such as by forcing people into the cities. Such as reducing the food supplies.  Such as you name it.

One can agree that there may be species extinctions, global warming, food emergencies, financial shifts, technological changes, and so forth, and yet NOT be in favour of ANYONE - especially very, very rich people - exterminating the better part of the human race, as some kind of prophylactic.  Indeed, what I have seen, from my vast amount of research on all of this, is that these manipulators are far more interested in CONTROL and POWER and, yes, murder, than they are in the actual health of the planet.  These are precisely the WRONG people - the capital-fed elites - into the hands of which any of us should deliver the fate of our planet!

What many people are having a hard time perceiving is, just as the vaccines have not been for health but for destruction, this greedy cabal of elites have no interest in sharing the world with anyone but themselves.  They are using communism as a rationale - an enticing carrot - to induce people to follow them, like lemmings, towards a no-return cliff.  They use nice promises of electric cars, and transhuman technology, and smart cities, and global cooling, and world health AS MANIPULATIONS.  They are lies.  They are usurpations of real, good orientations long sought after by very good, true people.  So, these parasites are piggybacking on the good will of progressives and environmentalists, in order to further their own self-interests, through mass genocide.  They regard the majority of human beings as cattle, now to be led to the slaughter, now that they have all the technology they think they need.

After all of the years of advancements, by great thinkers and inventors and builders and investors, the Great Reset Criminal Cabal has becomes so rich - precisely the richest of the rich of whom o_c_c_u_p_y speaks - that it feels it now must genocide the rest of the human race, and so gain all the land, and wealth, and civilisation, and technology, left behind.  If it were not for capitalism, industry, laws, labour, sacrifice, responsibility, compassion and moral responsibility, of billions of people, THEY WOULD BE NOTHING.  So, they are indeed not communists, but the very worst of capitalism - the parasites which capitalism can breed, when it is corrupted by greed, rogue mega-banks, corruption, and cheating.  They want to blame all the problems on capitalism, the very reason for their existence, in the same way that arsonists will burn down buildings for the insurance money, and leave poverty in their wake.  Remind you of George Soros?  Oh, wait!

All they are is DESTRUCTION.

I have read much Marx, Engels, Hegel, and related, in the past.  I was a little swept away by the promises of communism.  But, in reality, communism never manifests, because it has always been born by the corruptions found in capitalism gone-to-seed.  Thus, revolutionaries - both on the right and the left - have been funded by banks, who stood to make money off of subsequent war, destruction, and subsequent reinvestment.  The banner of communism has, in fact, been responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people, in the last century alone.  And, now, in this century, it intends to cull billions.  MASS GENOCIDE is never a good thing.  Sadly, the ends virtually never justify the means.  When a society falles for ends-before-means thinking, it basically always means that some elite group is the one controlling the ends, and gaining power from the means of the less wealthy.  Again, that is excatly what has been happening in recent years.

The COVID pandemic, the lockdowns, the small business destructions, the riots, the discord, the train derailments, the food processing plant fires - the LETHAL VACCINES - have all been an extension of the destructiveness so often blamed on capitalism alone, as in this Op-Ed piece, when it has been the best of capitalism that has brought wealth and health to billions of people.  Crony capitalism, vulture capitalism, warfare, polluters, and so on - THESE are the destroyers.  And, so often, their crimes are practiced by mini-autocracies not too dissimilar to the feudal psychopathy so often found in dysfunctional families, mafioso, tyrannies, monopolies, theocracies, and, yes, communist parties and the secret, nefarious clubs of elites.  It's all backwards thinking, unnatural, unhealthy, predatory and poisonous.  We fought a revolution to get away from that crap, but it has been creeping in again - via the banks - over the last century or so.

So, please don't be confused.  The WEF Great Reset, and all its siblings - China, the WHO, the CFR, the DoD, the FBI, the CIA, the Deep State, Black Rock, Vanguard, Main Street, George Soros, Bill Gates, Rand Corporation, Halliburton, the Ford Foundation, Chase Bank, BOA, the Fed, the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild's, the Royal Family, IBM, the Bank for International Settlements, etc. - these are all the same forces that were behind most of the wars, most of the coups, most of the assassinations and suicidings, most of the implosions of economies, and most of the bloodshed in the past.  Just because they seem to be selling some green new deal does not mean that they are not THE VERY SAME FORCES THAT OCCUPY HAS ALWAYS SPOKEN OUT AGAINST!

The same forces that Marx spoke out against!  Ghandi!  MLK!  Kennedy's!  Thoreau!  John Brown!  Jesus!  Thomas Paine!  John Lennon!  And all the people who have died for the truth!  Please never forget that.  The occupy movement was largely quashed by a subsidized putsch of racial and partisan divisiveness.  We need to stay beyond that.  Or the mass extinction of insects will simply give way to the mass extinction of you and me.

It's the SAME THING.

Here's the 2019 Op-Ed: This Is Not the Sixth Extinction. It’s the First Extermination Event.

I studied the rise of fascism and Hitler, which led to millions of murders. And I've studied psychology. I just can hardly bear to see billions of people just let it happen all over again, so blithely and naively and ignorantly and selfishly. I am already dying here, over what shall be unfolding, the next 7 years. Please get WOKE FOR REAL! Attendez humanity la. Your life is their life; their life is yours. We bleed together. We only die alone if we never TRY.


ends before means, +++

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