LIES - (and other aberrant behaviours)...

Mar 02, 2023 17:46

Dr Mike Yeadon - “Please warn everyone not to go near top-up vaccines”

V - Behaviour / society

Covid lockdowns have increased anxiety and aggression in dogs: Trainer Eve McKenzie | Daily Mail Online

mRNA covid injections causing some recipients to experience drastic personality changes: WHY? -

MIND ALTERING mRNA VACCINES! - Transhumanist Agenda EXPOSED! - MASS Death Continues!

Covid-19 masks are a crime against Humanity and child abuse | The Wall Will Fall

The left’s contempt for bodily autonomy during the pandemic is a gift to the right

There is no Pandemic

Cause Of Death For ‘Diamond’ Of ‘Diamond And Silk’ Revealed | The Daily Caller

It begins: Massive protest in London for the vaccine injured | What Really Happened

WHY the Medial Profession Has FAILED US! - Dr. Bryan Ardis | Flyover Clips

EXCLUSIVE: Republicans Renew Push To Ban Research That May Have Caused COVID-19 | The Daily Caller

Most people do not understand is that this was - is - a bioweapon, depopulation attack. That's WORLDWIDE GENOCIDE, making Hitler look like an alter boy. They have been taught to accept authority, especially if it's in a white lab coat. And especially if it means exposing one's own complicity in one's own children's deaths.

And we are not seeing significant push-back - esp. here in the USA - partly because so many people's brains have been fried by this injection. Too busy with creeping dementia to get angry.

And - people see it on TV or the internet - people just dropping dead like studio props - and act like that could never ever be them - since they feel just fine at the moment - but they do not make the connection between the "reality TV" and their own real lives, as they just assume someone or something will step in to save their asses, ultimately, as usual. As if the State were God. No, it's the state that is attacking you. A state taken over by a very evil, corrupt global parasite.

Once people even get to the point of realising that this is a bioweapon - that they are being attacked - what they still don't realise is this: It is a military operation. You cannot argue it away. You cannot sue it away. You can not shoot it away. You cannot vote it out. You cannot change the channel. Or buy a new reality. IT IS NOT GOING TO STOP UNTIL IT HAS SUCCEEDED IN KILLING OFF 4 BILLION PEOPLE, AT THE VERY LEAST.


It doesn't matter how fast people are waking up. It doesn't matter what people are trying to do. EVERYBODY IS MOVING WAY TOO SLOWLY TO STOP THIS. Why? Because they don't consider it as an actual war, when it is. And they are not mobilised for war. And will never be mobilised for war, in time enough to stop this. Haven't you noticed? The so-called, "vaccines," are still going into people's arms and killing them, despite all the enlightenment that has occurred within the last year! Nothing of significance has changed! And we haven't even entered the long-term phases of lethal injuries, yet.

But, feel free to go on believing the paid, corrupted media and politicians. Today it is mRNA and train-wrecks. Tomorrow, they will be firing on your house and coming for your cash. It isn't going to stop! This is the most freakish mistake made in the whole history of humanity. But. Electric cars! Oh, and, ooooh! We'll be herded into 15-minute cities, where we'll be mowed down like hay. They don't need you anymore. They have been killing off millions of people for centuries, and now it's your turn! What makes you think, after hearing every lie coming out of Biden's, Phyzer's, the Deep State, etc., etc., that there will be any kind of honest hope you might latch onto coming up, along the road ahead? The only hope you have is in listening to the honesty stirring in your own soul!

sociology - mass psychosis, vaccine madness / mandates, bb - big pharma, psychology - stress

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