To pay attention, we focus on some chosen "signal" and filter out distracting "noise." To some degree, our choice is superstitious, as measured according to how efficient and productive the application of our attention. Comparing what we say we intend and what we actually do with our attention. Attention is a form of observation which, at the quantum level, helps determine reality, but not so strongly as one would gather via reading cosmic new age books.
Focusing on signal, can be an incorrect choice, Filtering out noise, can be a bad choice. Or good ones. Either way, we are projecting a kind of opportunism or hope, as compared to the filtering, which is a form of denial.
Opportunism versus denial. Sometimes, some people focus so much on the former, that their command of the latter gets all screwed up and mismanaged, such that they fail. Sometimes, some spend too much time on the latter, and they end up not moving ahead, but falling behind, and failing. Swallowed away in their own negativity. Unreality.
But, sometimes people make exactly the wrong choice, and so their errant focus on opportunities ironically wins out. Or, some people choose wrongly in their denial, and yet turn out to luckilly strike it rich, as when habitual contrarians sometimes get it right. Most of the time, though, this doesn't happen. Most of the time, dysfunction happens.
In addition, even a good mix of opportunism + denial can fail, if they are both based on faulty premises or standards. When someone uses their higher brain to reach an evermore blended resolution between both opportunism and denial, then this can be a good, rational, transcendent thing. And progress is made in reality.
But, if false premises underlie the two dynamics, or even one of them, then such an effort to reach higher resolution - i.e., capacitation - can be self-defeating. Compare it to musicians, perfecting their imagination and craft, so that they perform so amazingly in concert. But, bigger audiences mean bigger amplifiers, and eventually the musicians' brains dull out and they become deaf.
Holding back from making higher resolutions can mean that one just lives in a world of black versus white - fundamentalism. Then, some people, like this, might use their higher brains simply to further adorn and perfect this basic duality in their heads, in which case they are usually psychopaths, and certainly narcissists. Because they are trying to remain in womb-thought, basically.
So, you see, there are a number of ways attention can go wrong: superstition, false premises, errant assessments, over-amplication or projection, reductionism, vain pursuits, manic denial, depression, manic ambition, anxiety, and so on. All of these are various forms of cognitive dysfunction, which translate into inappropriate behaviour. Sometimes, entire countries can conspire to become completely inappropriate. More often, groups, or cults, conspire. And, to make others make real their projections, then what they try to do is to control everyone else.
The feeling of need to control almost always betrays deep insecurity. But, the more it is put into action, the more it rewards itself, and the more it denies that any insecurity might exist.
The more the person, (or cult), denies that he or she could be wrong in any way.
The method of rewarding cognitive-behavioural dysfunction by projecting and so forcing control is a method of externalisation. Rather than focus on inner spirituality, or emotional needs, of the other/s, they are turned into marks, numbers, or dollar bills. Meanwhile, the psyche of the projector is increasingly in denial of his or her own inner spirit, although not his or her inner animal drives, or dysfunctions of the id.
Externalisation can begin in games, where players even agree that, at least for the moment, rules are more meaningful than personal interpretations, etc. This can be a good thing, especially for people in lower orders of moral development. And for people who have a hard time controlling their animal compulsions. And, I suppose, for bored or depressed or angry people, as ephemeral therapy.
But, externalisation can become a very big problem, especially when controllaholics use it to rationalise the laws or demands they seek to impose on other people, who are, remember, merely numbers to them. Inconvenient facts. With their inconvenient rights.
Externalisation thrives when the game becomes competition-for-its own sake. Or, even beyond that, the will to dominate, or kill, by any means. Precisely, what happens in the development of externalisation, of projections, is that the projector forces his or her own ends before not merely means, but the means of other. As in the monetary means, the welfare, the physical abilities, the plans, the privacy, the opportunities, the empathy, etc., of those who are expected to obey or to conform.
The assertion of one group, or psycho's, ends over the means or ends of others, is a projection of externalisation which, taken to logical conclusion, can result in murder or genocide. And anyone who has looked into the stages of development of genocide in society knows that objectification is a primary step in the process. That's the same thing as externalisation. As is the destruction of churches, who harbour alternate views, and means, of spiritual meaning. And thereby protect the values and rights of individuals in lawful societies. Even if some of them be way too superstitious, that is a main thing they are good for.