You are the problem. And we are here to fix you.

Feb 18, 2023 18:30

I like getting a Southwestern salad mix every time I make a grocery order.  But I am nevertheless partly disgusted by the salad dressing they tell you to use on such.  It's a pink-yellow, vomit sort of colour, and basically gunk prepackaged to quicky reach your areteries, much like an injection of hydrogel.  So, I use about a third of each per half bag.

I decided to go for some, "Mexicali," dip, for my non-GMO blue corn chips.  Which I finished off, just now.  (Without the assistance of one drop of alcohol which, in my book, is the same as not eating them at all).  Well, the dip turned out to be pretty much the exact same thing as above-mentioned salad dressing.  Didn't advance my life causes in any way.  Let's just say that when future aliens dig up my body, they will be able to date me according to the batch number extant in the perfectly preserved nano-particles of this junk.  Which will keep my body looking plastic, and sad like the day that I died.  From chip dip poisoning.  And my lost grave stone would read, "I blame it all on the jalapeños."  Spanish for tasty devils.

I am thinking about doing another music post, but it would be so long, and my relevant bookmarks are duplicated.  I'd have to go through it all.  And I don't think I'll finish that tonight.  I am still trying to crawl out of the freeze-dried illness state I have been in for some time, possibly forever.

I think my dog was getting annoyed that Chris Plante was on so I turned it off.  I spend all day running around in a maid outfit, polishing his wayward turds.  Which, in dog world, are words.

Btw - only one dinner for him yesterday, following the day of diarrhea from on high, which was the product of a big two-dinner day.  Today?  Another big two-dinner day!  So, happy about that, but dreading what might, shall we say, come to pass??

I want to eventually do a little analytical post on where this, "We have the right - nay the obligation - to kill you," mentality comes from.  How it grows out of seemingly normal people, and quickly be generalised from killing, "you," to killing, "all of humanity," because that's only statistics, after all.  You kill one person, you kill life.  You kill 4 billion people, you still just kill life.  They don't make any distinction, at some point, since they are more fascinated by externalities like numbers than with empathising with people they despise.  They despise them because they are weak.  Weaker than they expected them to be.  And they are weak because they allowed themselves to be killed.  Ew!  Not like we, the immortal god people.  Who use everyone and everything to convince ourselves that we will never die.  That - THAT - is power!

But, this here is only a passing, random word post, mention a few things, kind of relevant to that topic, to various degrees of discomfiture.

If you really want to know what goes on in someone who could end up as a mass killer, why, just watch TV.  Especially, left wing TV commentators, who don;t know it, but are zombie members of an invisible, overarching death cult, manifesting as a couple of Marxist billionaires manipulating millions of people to kill off most of the population of the planet.  Tapped into that psycho hologram or matrix like Picard into the Borg.  Which is what they have in mind for the remaining people who remain alive.  Most of whom shall be Chinese.  And Dog Star saw that it was good.

Watch, I say, someone like Chris Cuomo, who was fired a while back - was it from CNN?  Or msNBC?  I don't know because I never watch these.  And I've had all my main network channels deleted.  Which is something you, yourself, might consider doing.  Since they are all agents of Pfizer, the CIA and their own flatulent narcissism.

Chris Cuomo decided to make a little extra money by revealing that, when he got fired from CNN(?), he, "wanted to kill everybody - and then kill myself!"  Thank goodness he didn;t do it, because that would have been another scandal we would have been kept from knowing about.

Yes, Chris Cuomo, the adored photogenic idiot savant talking head, was once planning to kill everyone.  Kill.  Everyone.  Kill everyone.  Kill them.  Every one of them.  And himself.  But he didn't.  Possibly because guns are politically incorrect.  But, what can the mind of Chris Cuomo, a potential mass shooter, tell us about the psychology of the mass of mass shooters we have come to know and cover 24/7 ever since Columbine - or even Dallas.  Wasn't his name Winston?  Like in 1984?  Maybe I am wrong.  Ah - his name was Whitman.  But the name of the guy who arranged JFK's motor route was a Winston.  Hmmm.  Stop smokin those Winstons!

Well, I think, if Chris Cuomo were alive, today, his mind might tell us that he was a deeply devoted narcissist with great expectations of foot massages and incessant deference or money.  Also, some kind of necrotic affiliation seemed to have existed in his family members, either via genetics or via living in New York.  As leftists.  With money.  And lawyers.  Wasn't it, after all, his own brother who, on the one hand was groping and boinking innocent secretaries, and probably Epsteinian cherubs, with the one hand, and mass-killing senior citizens in death trap homes with the other?  Because, even as everyone knew that COVID most dangerously affects the elderly, Andrew Cuomo was, as if guided by the hand of Satan, consciously inflicting seniors with COVID, which resulted in possibly 10,000 deaths?

Death death death.

Also, I have found there to be a strong, direct correlation between death-thinking, and abusive sex addiction.  And these two trends seem to meet or inter-lap or circle around one crazy phenomenon: ritual sacrifices of animals or humans to some kind of antithetical deity, like the strands of DNA, spiralling around something ever so meaningful.  It's all just amazing, historical weirdness.  But, this is what happens to have the great sway over members of the WEF, and many of the subordinate, so-called left wing cultists.  So it was with the Aztecs, and the Phoenicians and so on.

And, not unrelated to this.  The great death cult, superimposed or overlaid upon our present American culture, uses participation in pedophilia, child sacrifice, torture, slavery, cellphone pictures, etc., as a means of coercing people into its members, and so employing them as agents working against traditional American society.  Because, these poor people have to continue to operate in the normal system.  So, if the normal system were to find out that they had committed these sex crimes, then they would lose their offices, or homes, or go to jail, or just not be popular and rich anymore.

Unlike politicians in bed with Chinese spies, so long as the party paid by China remains in, "control."

Do you see how the Great Reset conspiracy, just in this one way alone, is nothing but a parasite upon normal society?  And yet it gets to the point where it intends to kill off all of normal society?  Pretty effed up and upside down.

You can bet that known pedophile, Joe Biden, has been held in place by the threat of widescale advertisement of his crimes.  Someone else came to light, in the last week or so - can't remember who it is.  (Clinton 1 and 2 are more than suspect, as well).  But, the Epstein Island list will be coming out on twitter, soon, and that will shake up a few districts.  Too bad it won't really make much national news, since the national news media is generally populated by a slithering hoard of Cuomos.  And military brass.

Did you know that Matt Lauer and Quagmire have never been seen in the same room together?

Or, did you know, that, after being thrown out of a bar, Hunter Biden demanded the name of the bouncer, so that he could have him killed?  He's only the son of the fully compromised narcissist who has been presiding over the greatest kill-off in all of history.  Come on, Man!

Anyway, the problem with these death-thinkers, in their death-thinking cult, seems to begin with one circular meme, which is of fundamental to the persistence of their narcissism.  Which is, "You are the problem, and I am here to fix you."  Senior citizens are the problem, so send them off to virtual death camps, and expect thousands of xmas cards from them next holiday season, somehow.

The globe is warming, like other globes, and so it is not the billionaires and all their jets and industries and garbage who are the problem.  It is all the rest of humanity, from which they derived all their wealth, technology and rights.  So, the way to fix the problem is, conveniently, to kill billions of people, yay!  Makes perfect sense to them.

Just like sacrificing children to compensate for all their own pornographic sins.  Yay!  Kill children!  Makes perfect sense!  They are, the problem!  Go away, kid, ya bother me!

Kill off all the people exposing, or getting in the way off, the Great Plan, to kill off everyone else, because they are the problem, who would make it look like we are the problem, somehow!  Shoot JFK!  Suicide the microbiologists and natural healers.  Ban the truth-tellers...

By the way.  None of what has been happening has been by accident.  Not the vaccines, not the virus, not 9/11, not JFK.  Even a lot of shootings.  And train derailments.  It's all part of the same cloth, waving in your face.  They used COVID to "naturally" kill off the older people, which they knew it would do.  But, when the vaccines came out, they used them to kill off children, athletes, soldiers, and right-wingers.  But, that was just to help get it all rolling.  The people who helped, even in Democrat stongholds, they'll end up just as dead, within 20 years.  The same thing happened in NAZI Germany.  Death cults ultimately eat their own, living tails.  Who's the next problem going to be?

What do the figures tell us shall be the next Final Solution?

Entangled by the bonds of hate,
one who seeks one's own happiness
by inflicting pain on others,
is never delivered from hatred.


Dhammapada 21.291
View Pāli on
The Dhammapada: The Buddha's Path of Wisdom, translated from Pāli by Acharya

mass murders / murderers, cuomo - chris, cuomo - andrew, satan / satanism, genocide

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