Feb 04, 2023 06:48

Be sure to scroll down and read, because your life is in danger.

What I did not mention is this:

The USA has been heavilly in debt to China.  China owns most of its bonds.  Because of this, it is assumed that China can ultimately call the shots, so to speak.  On top of that, there is a whole cult now built around following the "China model" - i.e. becoming more Big Brother - although the only reason China is now wealthy is because it stole USA techno info and corporations/jobs.

Because the USA is so in debt to China, it has to pay up, ultimately.  Ultimately means what we are now going through, rather than a flat-out war between the two countries, although that also could happen.  This is why both China and our Department of Defense are in collusion.  This is why China is being allowed to buy up USA land to spy on military installations, amass troops at our border, buy up the Panama Canal and other ports, float weaponised balloons over this country, and so on.  As I said, Biden has been bought by China, which is in on the WEF conspiracy.  CONSPIRACY.

The USA debt will also be coming for the money in your bank accounts.  So, you need to withdraw as much as you can and put it in gold and silver, the only true moneys.  Do I have to say this again, or are you listening to me?  Prices will be shooting up exorbitantly in the next year or two.  The banks will be charging you for doing business with them.

Because we are so in debt to China, the Bank of International Settlements, which ultimately represents those few rich families of whom I spoke, and other institutions like the FED, are pushing for resolution - with China, and through depopulation!



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