Feb 04, 2023 01:58

OK, here is the video that absolutely everyone needs to watch.  Yes, it is over two hours, but even the first half hour should turn you into kryptonite. HERE IS THE EVIDENCE THAT THE USA DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (AND CIA) IS OVERSEEING A GLOBAL DEPOPULATION ATTACK. (Some little weird stuff happens in this conference)...


Actually LISTEN to what this woman (Watt) is saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are more articles generally indicating that this is a military attack...

Pentagon now funding “genetic extinction” technologies that could be weaponized to target humans -

Pharmaceutical Whistleblower: Covid and the 'Toxic Vaccines' are Bio-Weapons Created by U.S. Department of Defense (Video) - RAIR

The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War - Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Daily Mail Bombshell: Army Spied on Lockdown Critics, Sceptics: "Now We've Obtained Official Records that Prove They Were Right All Along" - Centre for Research on Globalization

Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF "Great Reset" - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer Director Caught on Camera Admitting Pfizer Controls the U.S. Government - Centre for Research on Globalization

General Vance gets the Assange/Clarence Thomas treatment for standing up for truth: Links 1, February 3, 2021 - Vlad Tepes

77th Brigade in the pandemic - YouTube

The Vax is a CCP Bioweapon Targeting the West - Naomi Wolf Interview CLIP

White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public - The Goodly Lawful Society

Rand Paul: This is the biggest coverup in the history of science - YouTube

Biden was selling secrets to the CCP!

WE have been classified as being in the KILL-BOX. This is a routine military elimination of humanity. The DoD. China. The Banks. Elite families. Same old human high school crap on a mega massive scale.

vaccine madness / mandates, +++

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