Once upon a tme, on a planet minding its own business...

Dec 20, 2022 17:16

There is mob psychology and mob rule. Both which often arises with the help of divide-and-conquer excitation from above.

Then there are cults.  Cults are often just mob psychology, and even mob rule, sustained over time, at a chronic, sub-acute, slow-motion level of activity.  Cults tend to like narcotics, whereas mobs might prefer crack.

Then there is bom psychology and dom rule.  Bom and Dom.  These a both related to the above, except they are practised and propagated by the wealthy.  The mentality and behaviour is just as irrational - usually more so - except they rely on the false sense of security 'provided' by three things:

1 - Capital and technology.

2 - Subjugation or exploitation of the trusting masses.

3 - Abstract certainties of their higher mythology or religion.

When these begin to falter, as they always do, the solution of the Bom-and-Dommers is to:

1 - Go heavilly into debt and destroy things.

2 - Kill lots of people.

3 - Become as evil as evil can be.

In other words, they ramp everything up until the saturation turns inside out, basically.  Everything is turned inside out.  E.g., the truly good become hunted down as being the truly bad.

Every civilisation eventually turns inside out, and falls apart.  This normally happens when the ruling class overplays its three great pillars of power, and becomes a giant parasite.  From a more distant, general perspective, one might say that the population made a choice to devour itself alive.  But, really, it's a matter of the population holding on to words and values which are being twisted against them from above.

The American Experiment meant to cure civilisation of this recurrent disease, where groups come into power, and inbreed their wealth and narcissism, and refuse to give it up but, instead, wield it more and more cruelly over others, as a way of proving it.  Which is the opposite of science, of course.

Money is notorious in assisting this exponential ballooning of group ego, since a little money buys a little bit more, which buys a lot more, which buys shitloads more.  Once a group comes into such unstoppable rising income and power, the people in it really don't have much empathy or concern for non-group people at all, and come to wish that they would all die, since they are such a drag.

Although it was the taxpayers who built the American Federal Government, and all subordinate governments, bureaucracies, parties and groups, many of its members having linked arms with similar wealthy narcissists across the globe, and decided they really are better than the rest of us, and so they arrest us, and infest us, and just work their way towards divesting themselves from us completely.  Because this is what always happens.

As it was in the Old Testament, so it is now.

As Biden said, when telling people they had no need for semi-automatic weapons - just as they will have no need for oil and gas and meat and land and property - "It doesn't matter if you want to keep them to defend yourself against the government: We have F15s and nuclear bombs."  Bom and Dom.

But they do need their security details, and their private jets, and their vast tracts of land, and absolute safety, control and domination, by all expenses necessary.

I thought that the reason why they keep perpetrating their same obviously ridiculous lies, over and over and over again, was because they knew, without a doubt, that they would be winning the next election - and the next - and the next.  Because, I am telling you, their conspiracy is bad, and it's worldwide.

But, it was more than this.  They had so much self-confidence - such certainty - such shamelessness in lying, because:

1 - There would be no limit to the debt and destruction that they were planning.

2 - Their whole agenda was to kill most people on the planet.

3 - Satan and his angels would save them, in the end.

And by, "Angels," I mean aliens.  In UFOs.  Which may sound weird, but it is a very valid hypothesis, i.e., a possibility.  And I won;t even get into this whole blood clot of a topic, right now, because I haven't even laid down much scaffolding for it, in past posts.  But, we'll get to it, unless they get to us, first.

So, the final thought is this: If is true, which is could be, then, judging from how history and prehistory looks:

Haven't the aliens done this before?

Haven't they set themselves up as gods, helping humans with technology and wisdom and, not long after that, the civilisation collapses?

I'm thinking that the WEF - and the NWO and the WHO and the UN and the DNC and the FBI and the CDC and the NIH and the CCP and so on - are all thinking that their secret pals, the helpful aliens, are going to step in, when everything gets really hot, and save the day.  For them.  And then the aliens will get a third of the planet, and everyone will eat worms and watch miniseries on solar panels and everything will be great.

Skidding down waterfalls in their underwear.

Picking daisies out of each others' ears with their toes.

Implanting genes into themselves which provide and endless stream of MDMA.

With no more red-necks and spear-chuckers bothering them for better living wages and housing.

But then, as has happened every other time, the aliens pull the rug out from under them.  And they collapse with all the rest of the civilisation.  And the aliens just laugh and laugh.  And this one gets the highest ratings ever.  And wins an alien Oscar.  And this is what the aliens do for fun.

Because, in addition to the three other groups I mentioned:

1 - The mob.

2 - The cult.

3 - The parasitic elite...

There is a fourth, higher, more perverse group.  Which is:

The Reptilians!!!!!!!

Or, maybe I am wrong on one point or another.  But basically, this is pretty much how things stand.

I think the aliens might actually be subterranean amphibians who originally started off as human mutts from the CCP and the WEF.  And, it is just like psychopaths, when they gain the technology, to infect every inch of the universe with their disease - including our little planet, somewhere long, long ago.

bb - conspiracy of dunces, elitist nonsense, nwo / wef / great reset, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, aliens / alien invasions (and see ufo's), religion - cults, psychology - mob / mass psychology, +++

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