Where does xmas go when the times are done?

Dec 20, 2022 05:59

Well, I managed to walk the dog this morning.  He started limping because his paws were getting too cold, so I stepped it up to a brisk pace.  Which means more CFS for me soon.  So, this was about  a little after 5:am.  I keep seeing females walking around in the dark, here and there, when we are out.  This morning, there was a female starting her car.  Then another jogged down the street, past us, which interested my dog.  Reminded me of former LL, who jogged, rode bikes and hiked out West, paid for by yours truly, lol.  Presently, I am working on the Walmart files, figuring out orders, for self and others.  But, not really up-and-at-um today.  So far.  I Walked the dog at least a day too early for my own health.  Merry Holiday Time.  May the beans in your ears one day lead you up to the goose of gold.

PS - I left a card out for the mailman the other day.  I included a few little ironic jokes or whatever they were.  He left a card the next day.  As I took my dog outside for a brief pisser, I inserted that card in the doorway, to read when I was back inside.  Then I lost it - I thought it had been blown away.  And I would never get to read it.  But, I later found it.  It had just folded in on itself, still in the doorway.  So, he just said, "Thank you for thinking of me, this holiday season," and a little more.  And I thought that was nice, of course.  But I guess he either doesn't know how to respond to urbane humour or he is just suspicious, or both,

I think the former, because I have a hypothesis that many mailmen types are good, sturdy people but maybe a little lacking in sophistication?  Not really educated in social ways extensively?  And I thought back to when I was actually more like him.  How naive and good-willed I was - and wanted to be a postman.  And mainly had simple needs.  And simple demands on me.  And was in a rut.  And fed off of little more than TV and associated dinners.  And I felt very alone and detached from the rest of the world.  Except in whatever associations I had.  But I felt smaller and just floating along, waiting.  Getting the job done.  Believing in Christmas.  Thinking things meant something, at face value.  None of this irony or gallows humour - well, not as much of it.  None of today's feeling of usually being relevant, at least to some future, although it is looking more and more that there won't be much of a future waiting for the greater part of the race as we had originally supposed.

And so, I seem to be not so sophisticated as I thought.  Not so pithy.  Not so real.  I feel, again, simpler - and poor again.  Thank you, Word Economic Forum.

I call on all postal workers to boycott their mail!

sentimental, my past, bittersweet, holidays - christmas, postcards from america - usa, postmodernism

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