Dec 12, 2022 16:05

To strangers passing through this journal:

The most important topic right now is the doomsday vaccines and their rising tragic effects.  I will cull down my public posts so that posts on this subject become more prominent.  You can find many of them via THIS TAG, and also go see anti_viral and wiki_truth.

The other hot topics are the announcement regarding productive fusion power.  I've been planning on doing a post on fusion over at w_a_r_m_i_n_g, and so that will go up soon.  And: the rampage of Satan Klaus (Schwab) and his WEF continues, and the USA dollar should be collapsing soon, so see also o_c_c_u_p_y.  Thanks for reading. The WEF is calling for an end to private car ownership. So much for the whole electric car fraud.


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