End of World Update

Dec 11, 2022 16:21

After a fair nap, I awoke with that headache issue worse.  So, I've been dealing with that.  My dog did a little sleeping, but has required most of my waking times, just to cater to him.  I want to list how he annoys me unnecessarilly some time, like always walking between me and wherever I am going.  Today, he heard he was going for a walk, and then it was whine whine whine, while I tried to prepare.  This may be easy for a normal person, but he usually taxes me right at the time I need energy or focus the most.

I did take him for a walk to the convenient gas station, although he already had gas.  Found out they don't sell wine until 7:am, so I took dog home, and went back an hour later.  Wine wine wine.  After my nap, it seemed like wine would not be something I should at all do, today, but after the subsequent frustrations, here I sit, sip, sip.  Wholly dissatisfied with these chips.

The attendant was not the lady who laid her hands all over my dog and fixated on me through the phallic proxy on which she puffed away.  Instead, it was some younger, taller male, and the first thing he did was welcome me with "man" this and "man" that.

He was one of those locals who ask you how you are, but when you return the pleasantry, they don't respond - as if they put out their hands for you to slap, and then you put out yours and they just spurn you - a power thing.

So, I started mocking him, casually.  "OK, man.  Sure, man."  But he didn't catch on, and he dissed me again - not responding when I asked him what he was watching (on TV).  I could have mocked him further but just acted together and clever, whilst he began tripping over his words.  Which was good enough.  Never waste too much of your artillery early on a Sunday morning.

Prions can seemingly live forever.  You could pull out a New Guinea brain, boil it in oil, and it will still have the prions, which you will get after you eat the brain, and you will go crazy and die.  So, I can grab this here bag of chips, open it, and feast away, in celebration of my good fortune in not dying, to date, and I may be eating up prions that that store attendant had secreted upon the bag.  His ultimate revenge.

Unlike people who have had COVID, people who have been vaccinated for COVID continue to slough off the spike protein from every cell in their body.  The artificially manufactured spike protein is actually an independent being, not attached to a virus, and so should be called the spike prion, because it acts as a prion in the body, bending up and creating other proteins, which coagulate with renin, forming blood clots, which will be killing millions upon millions of people in the years to come.

And it can seemingly live forever.  If a vaccinated person brushes against you, or hands you a bag of chips, and you pick up that spike prion, and it gets into your body, then, down the road, it will likely kill you.  And, the graphene oxide, which is prompted to replicate and expand in a crystalline fashion in the body, (see Morgellans), can act the same way.  Both the GO and the spike prion are tiny enough to pass through the BBB, and so basically everything else.

The COVID vaccines do not only contain these two death traps, but also toad venom, and several other toxins.  Three things are obvious, to me:

1 - Over the last half century+, the drug companies have not had too much of a problem adding to their vaccines little hints and tidbits that might conspire to make some portion of the vaccine recipients chronically dependent on them, for life.  How could they turn down such a lucrative loophole?

2 - The build up to these clearly deliberately lethal vaccines has been going on for years.  The patents, the additives, the propaganda campaigns.

3 - Research into, "what will happen if we inject someone with a lot of single spike proteins," e.g., has been going on since years before the release of the mRNA COVID vaccines.

- "What will happen if we inject graphene oxide and turn on microwave radiation, which we already knows makes the GO grows?"

- "What will happen if we inject mRNA genetic alteration technology?"

- "What will happen if we inject aluminium?"

- "What will happen if we inject mercury?"

And so on.

Even though clinical research backing up the "emergency" mRNA vaccines was vastly lacking or non-existent, since such would only have worked against their release, the kinds of set-up research as mentioned above has been going on for decades.

And, so, while the public and most compartmentalised researchers were kept unaware as to the bigger scheme of things, there were a lot of people in command and control, including Fauci and Daszak, and political higher-ups, who knew exactly what they were doing.

I believe Anthony Fauci is not actually an immunologist, but he had a focus on immunology, became a physician and possibly an epidemiologist.  In 1980, he became the head of the NIAID Immunology Department.  That was the same year that John Lennon died, and this weird contraption was erected, by some anonymous millionaire, which was praised by Yoko Ono:

Search "georgia guidestones."

These stones, in my estimation, were created by someone with leftist or Marxist affiliations, as the inscriptions refer to "workers" not employers, and the all-important theme is to live in harmony with nature, even if that means killing off 7.5 billion human beings.

Something was going on in 1980, and it wasn't just about Lennon and Reagan.  Considering that Schwab's World Economic Form, following in the footsteps of the Club of Rome, was founded in 1971, and it continues in serious force today, I think a good hypothesis is to consider that the Georgia Guidestones were an early toehold being established by the W.E.F. in 1980.

I lately wondered why no one had yet blown up this profane, genocidal monument, only to discover that it actually had been blown up recently.  Exactly 1.5 years after January 6.  And, I say, good!, because now I don't have to worry about that.

We've all read, "1984."  That was the year that Anthony Fauci was made king of all the NIAID.  Because of his Brooklyn accent.  Like Klaus Schwab is taking over the world because of his Austrian fascist accent.   Something in us assumes that these people are good, friendly doctors and shrinks.  It's craaazy.

And 1984 was the year that Incline Village, Nevada, experienced a strange outbreak of some kind of fainting illness, or the vapours, or female hysteria - no, wait - we now call this illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis!

And it is crazy damned serious.  And basically indistinguishable from long-haul COVID.

What is long-haul COVID?  It's basically where your body gets chronically excited, and keeps fighting viruses that are no longer active.

And I am not so sure that long-haul COVID comes from COVID, or comes from VACCINES for COVID.

But they put into vaccines all these adjuvants to make your immune system chronically excited, so it just might be a continuation of that, en perpetuity.

In my research, I have seen similarities between CFS, Alzheimers, autism, diabetes, and all the fatigue illnesses, like post-polio faigue syndrome, which indicate that they all might have prionic causes.

What is a prionic cause?  A protein gone rogue.  And that can happen in nature, as in Kuru and CJD.  But, it can be made in the lab to happen.  Right?  After all this taxpayer money pouring in.  All this license to make new cold war bioweapons?  All this, "what would would happen if we inject..."?!

This crap has been going on for ages, and continuing on all over the world, especially in UKRAINE.  Where the corrupt money comes from or is laundered!  There were at least 7 wild-west USA bioweapons labs in Ukraine, for some god-foreskin unknown reason.  No wonder Russia is pissed!  COVID is bullshit!

Lyme disease, I believe it is shigella?  Said to be a product of bioweapons research.  Mad Cow, chronic wasting, lone start beetle, and maybe CFS, autism, idk what else.  Prionic diseases.  Possible results of top secret special people research.  Just like gain-of-function COVID and mRNA and CRISPR.

You don't see the demon until it is pulling you down the hole.


I would favour research that postulated that CFS might be caused by some rogue, independent coronavirus spike protein. Or HIV sequence.  Or GO.

I really would not put it past Fauci and his ilk.

I got CFS after I was injected with some experimental unknown thing.  Also after walking through a polluted stream.  Also after a lot of stress.  Multifactoral!

Now, I just slink through life, hoping not to pick up someone else's spike prion, vicariously.  I can't pet my dog w/o fear of it killing me 4 years down the road.  I know that carnivores are better at handling prions than are herbivores, so maybe my dog is not replicating the prions he has certainly consumed.  But they do say pets can get sick from COVID.  And I can hardly stop other people from smothering my dog with their own spike prions.

Graphene oxide is a whole other discussion.  Just about as deadly.  It may take an unvaccinated person years to replicate a consumed spike prion to such a degree that it causes clots enough to kill him or her.  But, someone who has been replicating these prions via their own genetics?  And also growing graphene oxide while exposed to 5G microwave radiation?  That is blood clot and brain plaque mania.  You are out the door, dude.  Sooner than you can point a finger.

I'll do a post, somewhere, of people everywhere dying suddenly - from the vaccines.  But, just as they said everyone was ill from COVID, when they weren't, they will be saying for the next 2 years that causes of sudden death are not known (aka, attributable to the COVID vaccines).  But, for now, look around, do your research: people are dropping like flies.  Good, dutiful, vaccinated people.

It appears to me that the younger people who do sports or exercise are presently the most prominent victims.  Why?  The clots build up in them, (so silently, so little inflammation or pain), but become a blockage when they push their blood flow at a high level.  Two years from now, it won't just be these exertive athletes.  It will be regular people.  Maybe they do a little exertion, maybe have a little stress, maybe nothing - and they just keel over and are dead.  Maybe a few of them will be lucky enough to turn blue before they go.

Those with the GO issues will continue to fall from neurological, ischemic and stroke attacks, in increasing numbers.

All because of this well-funded, vain curiosity: "What will happen if we inject toad venom?..."

Or, "what will happen if we send thousands of satellites into the sky, blanketting the world with wifi radiation?"

You see, some demonic people really know the end result of these opportunistic adventures.  Most people, like Elon Musk, are just stupid, childish narcissists.

OK - end of that discussion.

Putin says he is serious, he will start an unclear war and end the human race.  I have no doubt he means this.  And I have no doubt that the West is stupid enough to do little about it, seeing as most of its ear is pinned down by Klaus Schwab.  But: A NOTE TO YOU, PUTIN:

If You bomb your LJ friends in America?  You lose.  We lose.  The world loses.  And the WEF in their NZ bunkers wins.  So.  Use your KGB intelligence to play some creative new chess.

Looking at the silver and gold situation:

Suddenly, silver and gold is no longer going the way of the paper markets, it is going against them, as they should do, because seriously troubled times are coming.  The dollar is going to be devalued drastically.  But, for me, the prices of silver and gold are now taking off, too soon, for my prefer, for me to possibly buy anything.

I'll just have to sit here and put more tin foil on my windows.

End of end-of-word post.

PS - Thx for reading.  If there remain any troll out there, who might wish to snag me w/ so-called fact-checker shit - I am more than ready for any of that, in fact, so ready that I'd rather just go to sleep, thank you very much.

At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.

If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilization to be carried out. Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theater of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography.







health - prion/ mad cow/ cjs diseasess, nwo / wef / great reset, doom and gloom, end of world, health - vaccines / debate, health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, vaccine madness / mandates, new world order

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