Atoms For Peace

Aug 06, 2022 06:59

This Day In History

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I've been commemorating this day for a long time on LJ.  Sadly, considering the tragedy of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki may be all the more important today, as we drift towards a war with another expanding empire in the Pacific and beyond.  Silly, sad, stupid human race.  I guess this makes me a racist, then, doesn't it?(!)  [Here is one of my tags for nukes, where you might find a recent video on how the world would end after a nuclear war.  Here are all tagged posts related to "nuclear"! - There are 53 entries but LJ is only allowing 35 to be pulled up!  Come on, LJ!  Wtf?!].

In this post, you will find short and longer mini-documentaries on these bombings, and on the subject of nuclear weapons in general.  There are also a number of great movies and series made available here, which I hope you can watch one day, when you find time.  Maybe place this post in your "memories."  I really enjoyed watching the series, "Jericho," back when it came out, and watched it again a few years ago.  It was a sleeper-hot series with a cultish following, which angered people by getting cancelled too soon.

I also like, "The Day After," and, of course, the absurdist satire of, "Doctor Strangelove."  "Atomic Cafe," looks good, but I don't think I've seen it.  "On The Beach," is an historical book and movie, (fiction), which I also like because it mainly takes place in Australia.  I've seen one or two, "Mad Max," movies, but haven't included any here.  I did love the post-apocalyptic book, "A Canticle For Liebowitz," in high school - there should be a movie by now!  (Not included here).  Two movies have been recommended by melanieallett, as found in the comments of this post.  I can't wait to watch them.  When I'm in the right mood.  I'll be sure to watch, "The Road," soon.

Of course, I don't expect anyone to watch every one of these videos! I never do. Just pick out what you want. It is an important subject, though.

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WHERE TO WATCH "JERICHO" SERIES (2006) - w/ trailer

JERICHO - via free HULU trial

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THE ROAD (2009)

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What if there's a nuclear attack...

12 Best Nuclear War Movies of All Time

It's strange how this is such an important subject to me, but I don't think I have given my take on the whole stragedy of M.A.D. deterrence; on types and tactics of nuclear weapons; on basically the whole game of nuclear competition - not even much if anything on Fusion GPS and the seedy supply of nuclear capabilities to Iran. I think it's because the whole topic is just so pointless, and far-gone. It's like how I tend to consider sports a general waste of time, but the game of planning for nuclear warfare is worse than that, because it is also a set-up for failure. It's like, "how can we best conspire to bring in an asteroid to cause mass extinctions on this planet, in the name of how great we are?"


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OK. Have a nice day, everyone!

Be kind to insects!

nuclear/ radiation, music - specials, movies - war, doom and gloom, end of world, duck and cover!, all * nuclear, movies - dystopian / apocalyptic, history - 1945, nuclear bombs/ weapons/ nukes/ (wmd), doomsday sceneria/ clock/ prepp, cities - hiroshima/ nagasaki japan

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