Aug 05, 2022 07:26

Here are a few videos on UFOs.

The USA government has been aware of UFO's for decades. Maybe even for over 100 years. And, on the one hand, it sends out jets to confront, observe, or possibly meet with, UFO, "flying saucers," on the other hand, it has been covering up all of what it knows about UFOs, and basically denying or discounting that they may exist.

Along came Obama and Trump, and the government was required to release countless documents on its past study of craft which appear to defy the laws of physics, and show up in the most sensitive of places, like nuclear missile sites, potential battlefields, and jets in mid-air.

The USA government thus finally admitted that, although there are many UFOs which can, or might, be explained by common phenomena, such as hoaxes, weather balloons, bags blown in the wind, Chinese lanterns, unregistered aeroplanes, the piezoelectric effect, optical illusions and weather abnormalities, there are definitely some UFOs which cannot be explained according to public knowledge.

These craft may accelerate or turn on a dime, travel through water at hypersonic speeds, float noiselessly, affect viewers' perceptions, emit some kind of radiation, and/or seem to know what we are up to. They defy gravity, alter course and accelerate in a manner considered impossible by our current understanding of physics. How do they do this? (I will partially answer this question).

With such superhuman abilities, then there are a few explanations concerning their possible origin/s.

A - They are from one or more advanced extraterrestrial civilisations.
B - They are alien technology usurped, and secretly deployed, by, some government, such as that of the USA, China or Russia.
C- They are alien technology usurped, and secretly deployed, by, a world deep-state government.
D - They are alien technology usurped, and secretly deployed, by a cooperative conspiracy of extraterrestrials and some state or world government.
E - They are crafted originating from some other time on Earth, presumably the future, (but hypothetically the past).
F - They are from an alternate dimension or universe.
G - They are technology developed entirely by humans, by some state government, and/or deployed by a conspiracy of states or secret world government.

Understanding the weirdness of spacetime, I can say that not many of these scenaria need necessarilly be mutually exclusive of others. For example, the craft may originate from future Earthlings in cooperation with future extraterrestrials. Or, a distant extraterrestrial civilisation could also be in an alternate dimension and/or time.

Sceptics might choose, "G", although the amazing abilities of these craft tend to convince most people that they must be extraterrestrial, (or time-travellers). The idea that they are alien craft used secretly in cooperation with some Earthlings suggests that the aliens are beneficent, (although it is conceivable that they may be coercing corrupt politicians, et al, for nefarious purposes).

Reported appearances of, "flying saucers," have been going on not just for a few hundred years, but for thousands of years, at least. One reported message left by one alien craft has been translated as saying that the observation of this planet, by whomever-these-creatures-are, has been, "ongoing." And this message was said to have come from the year 8,000ad. And, since it is possible that there have been more than one highly advanced civilisation in the galaxies, then alternate observers may have been coming and going here for millions or billions of years. If this is the case, then it would be likely that various civilisations, of various degrees of beneficence, would be tussling or combatting with each other at several points.

Should they generally mean not to cause harm to us, then they would all agree to hide their combat, or cooperation, and presence, from us. Which, I am sure they would know, is just what you would do if you wanted to inspire conspiracy theorists on Earth.

In fact, it is just the sort of thing conspiracy theorists would claim. UFOs are just the sort of thing conspiracy theorists would claim, and therefore may be nothing than a bit of undigested broccoli in the human psyche.

But, as I suggested, it is probable that something supernormal is going on. And there is nothing wrong with supernormal, except that it is precisely what normal people choose not to see.

I am not sure when the sightings of giant triangular craft began - if it is only a somewhat recent phenomenon. If so, then it would suggest one of two things: Either the extraterrestrials are now sending newer, bigger craft, to do newer, bigger jobs - or - Secret, scientific Earthlings have advanced their development of antigravity technology, and so, of their, "UFOs." (It would tend not to support the idea that at-least-these aliens are from another Earth time).

The first video, here, is good and bad. It is good, in how it introduces the alleged appearances of giant triangular craft. It is bad because it deviates into confusing ancient aerodynamic technology with this UFO antigravity technology. And, the main guy, Bill Byrne, jumps in, too soon, with his own conclusions of time travellers, and of cooperation between the USA military and extraterrestrials.

I think I have heard this guy on the likes of Am radio's, "Coast To Coast," and believe he has probably spent most of his life researching this stuff, and imagining about this stuff. And, so, I am slightly respectful that his hasty conclusions are somewhat based on a generalisation of past study. What we call the wisdom of the elderly. Maybe an elder nut, mostly, but I keep an open and sceptical mind to him, as to everything.

In the first video, it is suggested that the aliens in their big triangles are looking for gold. That's a very interesting idea. And I shall talk about it after you watch...

image Click to view

I have been interested in Mount Shasta for a while. UFOs are said to visit that area frequently. There is also the possibility that piezoelectric flashes may factor in. There are also accounts of disappearances, and Big Foot. There are Native American legends concerning such things. Either it is a significant place or there is something in the water.

But, as the documentary reveals, Mount Shasta is just one of many places subsumed under a large, general, "Triangle Alley." In this area, many sightings of large, dark triangular UFOs have been reported, similar to those apparently evident in the well known (nearby) Phoenix and Belgium sightings. There are large cities and military bases nearby. Area 51 is not far off. However, traditionally, USA new secret aircraft have been tested in Nevada and Utah. The UFO in California, (and Phoenix), if they existed, do not appear to have been tests.

The UFO hunters in the video come to the hyothesis-conclusion that the Triangles are looking for gold, and other minerals. This is a hasty conclusion. BUT, I can postulate two sceneria where it might be feasible - (right word?)

1 - The craft are from China. How they came to belong to China, who knows. Like everything else, they could have been originated by American technology, and then used by the Chinese government to try to intimidate the USA government, and reap personal gain.

TBC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, aliens ate much of this LJ post. I had a lot of great stuff here. I will have to try to rewrite it later, in a Part 2. Keep an eye out. It will be coming for you soon!

In the meantime, I recommend checking out other UFO posts HERE.

s- 'what are ufos(idk)' (2022 series), ufo's (and see aliens), states - california

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