The Encircling Firing Squad

Jul 15, 2022 08:53

Waffle House Shuts Down 16 Locations As Areas Become Too Nice

"The thrill is just gone, whenever I go to the Waffle House now," said local patron Davis Hoffman. "These streets are completely crime-free, the local area doesn't look run down, and I don't even feel like I need to lock my car anymore. It's no longer an authentic Waffle House experience."

Now, here's the real story... Many retail chains are shutting down stores, because crime has been increasing in many USA cities. Here is why crime is increasing:

1 - George Soros has successfully installed district's attorneys who deliberately allow criminals to walk. Soros is a billionaire who profits from the collapse of businesses, currencies and societies. He rationalises his activities by hiding behind woke "anti-racism", and the idea that society must be made chaotic in order for real progress to follow.

2 - Inflation.

3 - The politics of pandemic. People have shut themselves up, which has encouraged criminals to run amok. People have received free money, feeding the belief that they deserve anything they can take. People have bee inculcated with a philosophy that they are perennial victims, meaning that violent redress is perfectly fine. People have lost trust in the system, because of the lies, the control, the meldowns, and so forth.

4 - BLM, a shame organisation, which preaches that blacks have been wronged and must receive compensation, and yet does not address blacks killing blacks in the cities. Meanwhile, the leaders of this group garner millions of dollars for their own personal mansions. In addition, CRT teaches that nothing that the "racist" system, or any white person, says or does is legitimate, and that only power and force are what matter.

5 - A culture of hate, lies and competition just to compete - as an end in itself. "There is only the fight."

6 - Calls to defund the police, followed by claims that, "We never said that!"

7 - A loss of police due to a failure of politicians to back up their legitimate crime control actions.

8 - "Fry the pigs like bacon!"

9 - Many cities now allow offenders to flee without being pursued.

10- Bail reform.

11- Flash-mobs smash-and-grabbing and then being excused because, "this is not really looting."

12- and China.

What do all these things have in common? I'll let you answer that. Now check this...

Starbucks is shutting down 16 store locations in a number of Democrat-run cities across America, citing safety concerns and an increase in crime.

Leaked internal video shows Starbucks CEO blaming local government for crime shutting down 16 stores: 'America has become unsafe'

Trendy, hip, woke Starbucks? How could that be possible? That's a stab in the back!

Target Store Closings Show Limits of Pledge to Black Communities

Shoplifting in San Francisco is so out of control that retailers are closing stores

Walmart Is Closing These Stores Permanently

'Squad,' Dems mum on police funding as crime continues to rise

12 Democrat Cities Break Homicide Records

Here are six videos of Democrats calling for violence

Young Minority Women are the Target of Crime.. and Democrat Politics

Woke Excess Causes Minority Voters To Flee the Democratic Party

It's a serious fact: A large majority of people are really sick and tired of this.  They express their concerns and are told they are terrorists or something.  And the vocal Dems just keep pushing it, without listening, not caring about upcoming elections, like crazy people. And who are they thinking of running instead of Biden.  Kamala Harris, who donated to a fund to get rioters out of jail?  Gaven Newsom(sp?), who made a mess of California.  Wasn't he one of those politicians caught partying it up at restaurants, maskless?

This stupidity, dangerous enough in itself, is really fueling a huge backlash which could also get very ugly.  But, it's like nobody is thinking anymore!

"Give the people what they want!"

I can watch this a thousand times. And I have. Just this morning. There is nothing more beautiful than the smell of justice.
- 🇺🇸Lionel🇺🇸 (@LionelMedia) July 14, 2022

s- 'encirlng firing squad' (2022 series), woke supremacism, politics - democrats in denial, violence / fascism

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