Woe, oh oh, I eeey ..

Jul 14, 2022 03:35

I awoke to clock saying quarter after 6:am so I mustered my muster and took the dog out for his regular morning piss, 15 minutes late.

Except that the clock had actually said 3:30am, (2:15 CST).  Stupid clock does that, sometimes.  So, I decided to be awake, at least until the true 6:am, (that's 4:45 CST).  I have not been getting up at my preferred 4:am in months, so why not get back to that?  The enjoyment comes from being up all alone, and listening to a few hours of, "Redeye Radio," and being able to lose myself online.  The reality comes from needing all the extra hours in the morning, and past noon, just to push my CFS back, and have some chance of tackling the day.  It's the only system I have found which has any chance of working every once in a while.

Narcissist next door was inspired by his neighbourly jealousy to mow past 8:pm last night, (9:15 my time), and run his loud weed-eating machine at the side of his house until 9:30pm, (10:45 my time), which is just not right.  So, the fact that I happened to pop up so early this morning not only put the lie to his agitations, but possibly woke up him up at 2:15 CST, as I took my dog out, and voices blasted through my screen door and in through his window.

Not so much because of his weed eating machine, but more because my brain couldn't settle down, (and my circadian was already lagging), I did not get to sleep last night until perhaps 1:am (CST).  So that means I only got I only got 1 hour and 15 minutes sleep.  We shall see how dramatically this phase shift affects my health today.  I need to mow, and I also need to get downtown soon.  (It rains on Friday).  I am looking forward to a nap before noon.  I am indulging in ADVANCE keto bars, which are delicious, and meant to be good for you, but they actually do make me gain weight.  And there is some sgars and fat, so my body is very confused right now.

Health and Human Services left a message that we must connect for an interview so I can continue receiving SNAP, ergo, my ADVANCE keto bars, et alia.  I believe they are just letting my Medicaid continue without an interview, which happens sometimes.  But, maybe my last case worker simply looked at my recent updates on my site that I had first made for her in 2020, and decided not to require any follow up, as I am clearly ill and will be clearly ill until I am clearly dead.  Which is a good thing, because those Medicaid interviews are killers.

I had a dream where that wife in, "Father Knows Best," was laughing that she smelled guns (or planes) that shoot bombs, or something.  She  finally revealled she was referring to Paul McCartney's nads, who was also in the room, and not the nads of Pete Townsend.  (I think this image was triggered by watching Family Guy last night, where, Stewie got pregnant but had males nads where his vagina should be, which caused a slight logistical problem).  The spectre of Paul McCartney was triggered because I had been thinking of a particular song of his, in reference to something else.  And so, in the dream, Paul McCartney shifted attention to this song, or rather used this song as an explanation.  And so this was the song I was singing, a little, in my kitchen this morning, perhaps as Narcissist Guy cursed in his bed.

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Band On The Run!


all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, music - b - mccartney paul / wings, morning, narcissist next-door, my cfs diary (2022)

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