Why do stupid things happen to smart people?

Jul 13, 2022 07:11

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10 Signs You’re Highly Intelligent, According To Experts

10 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Have Poor Social Skills

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Re: "8. They hate losing."... This is not always true for smart people. The statement assumes that all smart people are not compassionate, patient or forgiving, when this simple is not true. In fact, the smarter a person gets, and the more experienced they become, the more likely they are to let other people "win" in petty games that really don't matter that much.

Instead, the statement is more true for "smart" narcissists and psychopaths, who are generally obsessed with being the most right, the most moral or the most successful, when the fact is they are very much insecure idiots in disguise. Thus, a great deal of these people do make terrible mistakes in their lives, but they foist the damage off onto others, which becomes a manic habit - a method of madness. They are, rather, the parasites who thrive on the success of the society around them.

I think it is important to make distinctions between smart people who are wise, and smart people who are detail-oriented, and smart people with great memories - and smart people who are lying, manipulative, exploitative creeps, who leave a trail of broken bonds behind them. Psycho's like these really need society in order to exalt their so-called intelligence, or what have you. On the other hand, the truly smart tend to be people who want to be away from a lot of the nonsense of society, just so they might push their thinking that much farther. Of course, the latter will also make tonnes of mistakes, as well, much like the absent-minded professor, because their minds are off on different tangents, or bigger pictures.

Here is another bit from Britain, where "smart people" are more represented by narcissists and psychopaths. See how the conclusions can be different. Not so favourable to those people who just want to think - not exploit the cues they think they identify in inadvertent suckers...

Why clever people make more stupid mistakes than most - BBC

Of course, people who are officially diagnose-able as being narcissists or psychopaths are actually a fairly small proportion of general populations. But, there are scales of narcissism and sadism which runs through all of society, as continuums. It's a matter of degree. Everyone has some degree of narcissism to them, otherwise they wouldn't be alive. The existential bias is quite comparable to "original sin" - it is intrinsic to being alive. An ultimately fatal flaw. So, it is impossible to say which people are narcissist and which are not ebcause, again, a matter of degree. Nothing is black and white. Wise smart people would agree with this. Psycho "smart" people would disagree with this.

Now, on to more dating and such. Here's a nice little article...

Article by Wendy McCance

Continuing my search for the ultimate in a happy life, I started thinking about where I live. I have lived in several states and truly believe that there is a difference in the way people behave towards one another as well as what ethics are important to them. Because I was a small kid when my family moved around, I think that my memories are probably a little out of date from what people are like in the places I had lived, now.

I am so burnt out from fakeness and superficial lives. I desperately want to live somewhere where people are HONEST and KIND to each other. Is there a state where people are more concerned with these attributes as well as leading a more peaceful life? I am not interested in living somewhere where material possessions and an attitude of it’s all about me are the ways in which people live.

As I get older, I am so turned off by gossiping, stepping on others instead of putting out a helping hand and lying that I am starting to lose faith about the goodness in others. I know deep down that there are still many wonderful people out there, but I believe that since the economy went to hell, we are left with stressed out, people who are at their worst because of the additional stresses that they had faced or are still facing.

I would love to hear from you and get your opinion on where you think the nicest people live. The ones who are more laid back and welcoming to each other.

Here are some links you might enjoy:

The Friendliest Towns in America

City Friendliest Towns in America

America’s Friendliest People


Why the Smartest People Have the Toughest Time Dating

50 Smart Places to Live

Note: The above isn't really the last word on where smart people might live best. Best places to live is a whole nuther post, if not series. I think smart plsces to live might be, e.g., way out of the path of climate and nuclear disaster possibilities. But, cheap places also count, esp. if you are on disability, so...

20 Best Places To Live on Only a Social Security Check There are whole countries which actually beat these USA cities as far as that goes. Finally, here is, I guess, the dating sight which is especially for smart people. Doesn't look LGBTQwerty-friendly. And I'm not so sure about the "elite" moniker...

Elite Singles

cities - most - nice, stupidity / stupid people, mistakes / in history, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, cities - most - friendly, cities - most and least stressful cities, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, singles and dating, intellectuals, smart people

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