What a day.

Nov 29, 2021 17:08

With insomnia snowballing, and less apprehension now that the weekend had ended, I basically stayed awake all night.  (I now know exactly why I became a night person when I was growing up, btw).  Messing with circadian rhythm like this is always harmful to CFS, and is usually extremely harmful.  BUT, this time, I managed to survive it still intact.  I knew that my latest long-term sine wave of 'recovery' was improving, and I also managed to sleep a bit the next morning.  I am tired and drained at the moment, and I am hoping I can get some sleep tonight, so I can crawl out of this month-long relapse, at least for a few functional days.  As for today - once again, a lost day.  Because I lost my dog!!!

My sister used several promises to entice me to move into this house, after which she turned into a complete monster.  One of the promises was that there would be a fence around the yard - so my dog could run free, but not away, and not get stolen.  When she was demanding I sign the lease 15 days early, she said absolutely nothing about the fence.  In fact, she didn't even show me around to delight in the new home with me.  Seriously, she became a complete monster.

Anyway, I took my dog out and tied him to his long lead today, as usual.  15 minutes later, I went to bring him back in, and he was no where to be found.  (Precisely why I wanted a fence).  The entire long lead was gone, and the anchored had been unscrewed halfway.  It took me a long time to find it, since the yard is covered in leaves because my yard tools and mower are all locked in the effing garage.  Honestly, this is better than getting a Psych PhD.

So, I looked around a little, then went and found the non-emergency number for the city police.  Called it.  Experienced a little of the familiar snotty discounting or condescension.  Which seems to permeate the system all the way up judges.  As if everybody who calls the police is some kind of criminal suspect.

But, I got them to send a squad my way.  Meanwhile, I went about, looking for him, even though I was sure he had been stolen - possibly from the guy next door, whom I briefly mentioned to you very recently.  Anyone I saw getting into a car, etc., I went up to and talked to them.  Everyone was guarded, but all were happy to help, soon enough, because I'm nice.

Talked to the mail man, and several others.  So, now I am known in the neighbourhood, and word gets around, as you know, because it's easier to spread than silence.  Unfortunately.

I heard a dog barking far up the street, but found that it was a German Shepherd guarding an extensive property from behind an iron fence.  So, I was deflated, walking home.  But, after a little more circling of 'my' house, I heard a dog doing a pleading bark, which I was 95% sure was my dog.

So, I followed the sound, up the little alley, and found a totally Hispanic guy doing stuff in his garage.  I asked him if he heard a dog, and he said no.  But, when he understood my English - actually when I approximated the word for dog - he erupted, threw his hands apart, describing a giant dog!  Black!  And I gathered from this guy that, "He was sniffing at my door!"  And I don't even speak Spanish.

So, after slapping the guy on the back with a big Thank You, I went to the side of his house, seeing and hearing my dog back there, barking.  I knew that if he hadn't been stolen, or untethered, he would never have been able to get to far, dragging the long line behind him.  Sure enough, he was now all tangled up in garden pots and other stuff.  And a little dog was inside the house, barking at us, as we conversed in exuberance.  Lead my dog out, and said Gracias to the guy, who was very happy about all this.

When my dog and I were back home, it was a little past his dinner time, so I just decided to give him a turkey leg for dinner, yum.  Wag wag.

I started thinking about how to better secure the dog line in the back yard, so I spent a little time getting things together.  One thing that was helpful was an old wood and metal coat hanger, from which I extracted two little rods to pound into the ground, in order to prevent the cork screw from unscrewing.

Outside, did all that - used a bike lock plus a large dog collar chain to allow extra freedom of movement - and then covered and secured connectors with electrical tape.  I secured things enough to even discourage possible theft in the future.  The main cause for concern is my dog's friendliness.  It is sill possible he will get stolen and it is not impossible that he will not break away again, especially since half of the line is not meant for such a large dog.  But, it's the best I can do - sans effing fence.

While I was out doing that, a neighbour man started chatting with me.  Now he and soon all the neighbourhood will know how wonderful it is that the guy with the dog lives in a house bought 'for him' by his wonderful sister because he is disabled and yes there is a Santa Clause and boy isn't life wonderful?

A later and lingering symptom of this relapse has been heart pain and related issues.  Eating so many cashews doesn't help.  After all the fuss and exertion today, I did enjoy a fair amount of turkey and stuffing.  So, I am tempting fate, here.  I really must try to sleep more soon.  And dream of days of futures past.  Before the fall.  Below the nest.  Beneath the leaves.  Where the worms of resentment grow, layer upon layer, year after year, until suddenly, something breaks, and you see it all, like your soul looking down on those primitive scalpels cutting away at your corpse.

Everyone was guarded.

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my dogs - king, **

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