Nov 11, 2021 13:33
I finally mailed the lease to my sister, but it will be delayed due to the holiday. Hopefully, she'll receive it before she decides to come here and harass, threaten, and lie to me again.
I guess I should make clear, here: My sister has lied to me several times, making promises in order to hook me into this, and then reneging. The most recent agreements broken: The lease would begin on the 15th of November. Instead, she held me hostage, as soon as I stepped in the door, demanding I read the lease, which I was too exhausted and CFS-screwed-up to do. Then, she unreasonably returned the next morning. Fortunately, I was out looking for my wallet, and so on. The next day, she hunted me down in a car, just, sort of proving my diagnosis that she is, indeed, a psychopath. Obsessed, you se, in getting me to endorse her latest lie.
Besides that: We had earlier agreed that notice of future visitations would be 10 days, due to my illness, except in cases of emergence. She changed this agreement to 10 days only for the annual inspection. (She didn't know about inspections until I had mentioned them to her). So, she stood there, yelling at me, acting like I was the one being exasperating, demanding I sing the lease NOW, and also shouting that all visits, (excluding the annual inspections), would only need, "reasonable notice," as determined by her - meaning less than a day, if felt like doing whatever. Now, she has already proved that she has been completely unreasonable and untrustworthy in the past. So, I stood up to her, and her accomplice brother walks up to me, saying, "Hold on, there, 'big guy," as if I was the trouble-maker. So obscene and ridiculous.
Her excuse for changing the notification agreement was that, "it is consistent with Illinois law!" Well, she uses the law when it benefits her agenda, just she pulls the caring sister card, when it benefits her agenda - of control. She has said, "you are loved," and had promised to help me out of, "this dark period," and now she is threatening me with eviction, because I was not feeding in to her lies, and irrationality.
She has acted like I was some untrustworthy imbecile, when, it turns out, she has been lying to me. She has acted like I would upset her relationship with a real estate agent, when, it turns out, she has been the person messing with my relations. The expense and destruction she has caused are not things that she sees, or will let anyone else see. But, she's a mess. If she doesn't like me not buying into her cult BS, then she shouldn't have brought this on, herself. She may feel disrespected - well, welcome to the club. Not listened to? Just like me. But all I am doing is keeping my word - and calling out the crap. I've always been this way, so - I don't what she was thinking.
I have never been so insulted in my life, and sorry if I don't stand for it. There is a victim I must protect, and it's me.
my family/relatives,
moving 2021,
psychology - psychopaths,
all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat,
lies / lying / liar liars