My dog woke me up at 4:am, shaking his head violently, which shook his whole body, and caused a commotion on my floor. Ear mites. I had left a full bottle of anti-ear-mite liquid with the Canine Camp when I sent him there, and it came back half empty - but maybe they just emptied it to pretend that they had used it. Anyway, I don't look forward to dealing with his ears again. It's annoying and exhausting. As a hold-over, I spray his ears with rubbing alcohol, which I use for various other things. This only daunts the little critters, and soon dehydrates the skin, so that invites them in deeper.
I sprayed him outside, this morning. He wasn't too oppositional, which was nice. His PTSD has been calming down - and the giant nightmares are gradually decreasing. When I lead him inside, he hopped and ran back and forth, because he was now free of the spraying, and that was cute. Btw - it is possible that someone from the house with the husky threw a rock at this house. Not sure. I can see, as I know various kinds of human behaviour. But it's also possible that it was something else. Vigilance, you know. That's what makes you smart if not crazy.
So, I woke up too late, again. I don't switch my clock back or forward anymore. I've been keeping my clock on summer time for a few years, now. I started doing this just to keep my dog on the same schedule - and I really didn't need to synchronise, so much, with society, anyway. And, I found out, I like it. So, my clocks say it is 9:35am, at the moment, but the rest of the area, including this laptop, insist that it is actually 8:35am. If I were living on the latter time, it wouldn't matter that I woke up late. But I'm on my own time, so there. I march to the tick of a different clock. So does my brain, and it is painful, right now. It is vascular/BP related. And this is partly why I woke up late. So, I have been in a dull, drunk-like torpor, this morning. Hoping it will improve because, yet again, the plan was to get things done.
Well, since I was a wee bit waylaid, this morning, I thought,"Why don't I just log on for a minute or two," because that's an easy thing to do. Just as I thought that, I heard the radio say, "COMCAST is down." Really?! But, I turned my modem back on, opened my laptop and, I can log on, so idk what happened. Now, I turn my modem off at night, and other times, because I know, for a fact, that WiFi disagrees with my brain. And if I can fry my brain a little less, especially when I am trying to recover from relapse, I am going to do that. I also haven't figured out how to check in on my VM, but everything in good time, I always say. I currently have one or two people messing with me, so.
Next, when I opened my laptop, I was reminded that the lid hinge on the right was now busted. And it proved itself to be even more busted that I thought. It is like totally disjointed. So, I have to work to fit it into place in order to use the laptop. This can't go on forever, and soon it will be too broken for any use. It's the hinge on the right, which displays lights indicating CPU use and all that. Eeeesh..
Also: I keep losing this internet, if I let my laptop sit for a while. I have to restart it if I want to get back on. This means I have to keep closing windows I was working with. A pain in the ass.
Since I mentioned some things that I didn't like about this house recently, I thought I'd mention a few things I like, which is an easy thing to do. I like the little hot pot on the countre. It heats water up very quickly. I don't mind the glass-top stove, but I remember hearing that there were problems with glass-top stoves, and I can't remember what it was I heard. It does heat pots up too fast, and burnt my porridge a few times, but I'll adjust to that. I like that I can sit a radio in a corner in the kitchen and hear it well while in the living room, or wherever, even at fairly low volume. I like that the smaller bedroom is carpetted. For my dog's loud nails. I was thinking of making that the alternate / guest room, but the carpetting invites me to make it the main bedroom. Carpetting also reduces noise. This is not a brick house, and I can hear everything going on outside.
I like that there's a basement, even though it's a weird basement. It looks like it doesn't get too damp or musty down there, so it's a place I can store things, at least for a little while. I certainly like that there is a washer and drier. In my last place, my sister had a chance to help me get a washer, but she took off instead. Recently, she hounded me about the danger of mites - well, now I have a washer, so.
I like the toilet, which appears to be new. It flushes well, using little water, and the lids don't slam down - they float down quietly. But it's not so great if you have #3, which I have had, of course, for several weeks, now.
The bath has been reglassed, and looks like new. I don't care about that - but I do care that this makes it much easier to clean than some old, worn-down bathtub. The bathroom is pretty nice, but there is no open-up vanity, and there are other little issues. I like that the house's heat registers are on the floor, rather on the ceiling. It is smarter to have them on the floor, as heat rises.
I like that most of the curtains can keep out a fair amount of light, (good for my CFS), and also peepers. I like that the neighbourhood is not a little inbred fiefdom where people come out of nowhere to mess with me - so far, it seems. I like that I don't have to walk my dog now - I can just walk outside and hook him up. But this will still be bad in the wintertime, and I will still need to run him. I was promised a fenced-in yard but this appears to be another one of my sister's lies. Like the promise of lower rent, she used it to get me to go along with this move, which allows her to get her gold star with friends and family, and also to seemingly control me, from whom she has derived power in the family in the past. And that's something I can discuss later.
Also, I like that there are trees, including evergreen, but there are none on the south side for shade. I do like that a next-door house is not what I was dreading: a rental house full of rental jerks. Instead, the guy who lives there seems pretty together, although he may dislike me at the moment. He just hasn't learnt, yet, that I need to avoid people a lot, due to CFS. It may be a rental, but it seems fine. So far, I know of two probable problem people. The first live opposite, a few houses down. He has two crazy pitt bulls and has a problem. The other is also opposite - directly opposite. He is the little macho man with issues. I think the house or two near me, (in addition to the one I mentioned), have nice, myob people. One of their dogs barked at me and my dog, but that never lasted long, so it seems they pulled that dog in.
There seem to be respectful, and respectable, people - old school - but there is the problem here that has been happening elsewhere: New jerks are moving in who have a mean world view of the world and they want others to know it. After I encountered the guy w/ the pittbulls, there were several gunshots which seemed to come from his house, that night. So, that kind of crap.
Oh - another thing I like is that this little house is a house. There are no other residents banging on the walls or stomping or slamming doors or judging and gossipping or leaving crap out for my dog or menacing my dog or scowling at me and so on. The area is quieter than my previous neighbourhood, allowing a possibility for writing, should I get to the point of feeling that I will stay here for at least a solid year. There is that guy across the street with his loud truck and other loud machines. But, whatever.
The main problem here is my sister. She's a crazy person. I spent a year finding my last apartment. It was inexpensive and, very importantly, I liked the landlord. I was able to maintain what I had saved prior to moving there, and even to save a little while there. THIS place? I will be spending, not saving. I don't know what it is, with my siblings, thinking that I must be required not to save money. Another sister had promised me I could live with her, cheap or free, so I could save money, and that never happened.
And another sister, to whom I made explicit that I really wanted to save money, promised to subsidise any rent I might end up paying, which would be above what I was currently paying. THAT never happened. In fact, I was threatened with the prospect of them NOT keeping that promise, which was why I was FORCED to take this house. They keep breaking their promises and agreements, and just keep moving on, thinking they are the greatest people in the world.
But the main sister, who organised this coup de gras, was pathological in this way. Whereas I had deliberately chosen an apartment, in the past, largely based on the fact that I liked the landlord? I can not stand this landlord - the sister - renting to me now. She is dishonest, manipulative, insulting, and full of herself. This is the main problem, and it's not going to change. So, I was coerced into this house, and I feel no connexion to it. I only listed a few things I like. Things don't set you free, or satisfy your soul. Jesus Christ - that guy across the street is running his demented chainsaw again. Maybe that's the reason the last people moved out of here.
OK - my brain hurts. It will be a BP issue during any exertion. My heart has also been causing problems, after all that stress and exertion of moving. So, I have to try to settle it down if I hope to get downtown later today. That chainsaw won't be helping. This has been going on for days. It isn't consistent, it just keeps going on and off, back and forth. Wtf?!