Nov 08, 2021 18:53

OK, here we go… I am able to think and write despite the level of fatigue. I am only able to do this by tossing out all other concerns or demands. Sit with me, won’t you? Put your feet up into the fireplace. Take your face off. Stop the clock snuff the wick and turn off the Borg. It’s Reality Check Time with Madison Man. Let’s chat a little about those fiendish people sitting outside the door, spinning their GMO webs of deceit, gossipping about our feet and what we eat, pulling the heads off moths and freezing them like marshmallow treats. Oh, how they wish they had half our minds, or smash our skulls but still, out there, they are, lifeless ash upon the streets. The psychopaths. In their self-made cells, they die before ever born, in a vain passion to possess and supplant us.

Never you mind those howling whores. It is wind residual from greater roars. It slides like shadows across the floors never once to meet their source or soul projectors. Breath not and they do not call. Look not and they do not show. Believe not and you cannot fall. They are like ghosts - appendages - parasites - who do not dare and cannot fare and can not the lie embed, if you keep the light of truth inside your head.

So - what is a psychopath??? This very simple formula will work as an introduction.  No one, or all, symptoms necessarilly diagnoses a person as being a psychopath).

1 - Psychopaths lie. They are the kind of people who have gotten to the point where they lie even when they don’t have to lie. Why do people get to this point? Because the expense of lying gets a spiral of Paradoxical Learning going, so that lying itself becomes a kind of, “addiction.” The more detached these people are from reality, the more they believe in the power of lies to influence and even create reality. As I have said, a definition of power can be, “the ability to lie and get away with it.” Since psychopaths lie so much - since they are always saying one thing and doing another - making false promises, etc. - then they are usually hypocrites. But you have to be outside of their bubble of influence to able to see this. Otherwise, you’re pretty in a cult.

2 - Psychopaths manipulate. They are deeply insecure yet on a pathological mission to impress and control people. They see their own ends and agendas as being the only real and right goals to work towards, using other people to realise these goals, or destroying any people who question or control them.

3 - Psychopaths are empathy deficient. They don’t care about the feelings of others, except where those feelings can be exploited. They don’t necessarilly not see the emotional behaviour, etc., of others. Rather, they register such along a kind of cold mathematics oriented only towards serving their goals. And, like androids, they can learn to pretend emotional behaviour and empathy, enabling their ability to manipulate. Empathy deficiency can have many causes. It may be genetic; it may have resulted from childhood trauma; it may be the result of drugs or illness - even of lack of sleep, etc. I don’t know that there is any disticntion made between those who can perceive the emotions of others and those who cannot, when it comes to classifying or diagnosing psychopaths. This is seomthing to explore.

4 - Psychopaths are deviant children in big bodies. Or, you could say, many of them are just plain animals. Their aims and desires are based on those from their childhoods. Their envies, their vengences, their assumptions about people, their projections and hate, and most of all, their fears, all come from a damaged or interrupted adolescence. Instead of maturing like normal people, psychopaths maintain their childish emotions, but continue to apply them in the adult world. So, they see new people as stand-ins for hated siblings or parents or bullies, etc. I call these, “proxy siblings.” Just remember the boss who acted like a complete childish jerk. He had this illness, and saw you as the same thing - as a sibling he once hated. The developing minds of psychopaths are abnormal. Instead of using the higher, later-forming brain regions progressively, psychopaths use these areas to rationalise and further elabourate on the more primitive hates and jealousies, etc., of the limbic, or reptilian brain. The whole point of their higher, supercomputer brain regions is to justify retarded behaviour and goals. So, you can see, the expansive elabouration of lies, always meaning to justify the whims of a very childish inner self. Since they are all children, they feel childish outrage if they are ever betrayed and such. This paragraph represents a very important aspect of psychopathy, much of it thanks to yours truly.

Question: Are psychopaths the same thing as narcissists?

Psychopaths and narcissists share a majority of behavioural and cognitive traits. They both want power, they are both egomaniacally selfish. They often both lie and manipulate. And so forth. But, there are difference. A big difference between the two is that the narcissist really feels the need to be liked or seemingly loved. But the psychopath doesn’t really care about being liked, except where being liked may help him or her achieve his or her goals. Goals of revenge, or goals of power, or goals of destroying the planet, whatever. The narcissist usually puts being like ahead of such goals. Bill Clinton was a good example of a narcissist. Clearly, his ambition for power was all about being more and more liked by more and more people. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, may have been more of a psychopath. And that’s entirely possible, because half of all psychopaths are female.

Psychopaths are often obsessed with appearing authoritative - being right. Or, at least appearing right. Justified. One advantage of appearing right all the time? You get away with more lies. So, you see some men becoming preachers who, either deliberately or irresponsibly, get caught having sex with children. Exploiting the children by dangling their authority in front of them. But, also exploiting the community, by doing the same thing. Some people - crazy people - can become addicted to trying to get away with bigger and bigger crimes - bigger and bigger lies. And, that’s a pretty prurient - (is prurient the word I am looking for) - way of experiencing life. Sleezy? I’m looking for a word.

Well, many people go into law for similar reasons. They want to prove that they are right. And, it’s the same thing - either deliberately, or over time, these people get addicted to proving they are right, even when they are wrong. (Our system encourages this. And, there could be solutions to this, but that’s another discussion). Once they are given the money and the authority by the community, many of them go around thinking that they are experts at every damn thing, whether it be plumbing, or gardening, or what have you. They are the Uber Men, so much smarter and more authoritative than any common person, or astronaut, or brain surgeon, or any old Einstein. Am I right? Can I get a woo ha!? See, I end being right studying how people are obsessed with being right! And my sad and lonely plight is related to why writers need to be alone - to write. Right? It’s a curse.

A lot of lawyers, sooner or later, end up being psychopaths. They lie to be right. They pay to be right. They get other people to fight their wars so they can be right. And if you question them, they throw up a childish tantrum and get you sent into solitary confinement.

So, WDC has lots of psychopaths in it. There has been a tussle going on, in WDC, between the Narcissists and the Psychopaths, for some decades. And there’s not too many other kinds of people left there, except for sex workers and people in very fine graveyards. And it just keeps getting better every day.

OK - now. What psychopaths have I experienced in my life? Well, there are many who have come on gone in the blink of an eye. We’ve all had strange little encountres with crazy people. People who come out of nowhere and need to shout at you, or fight with you, or take you lunch money. I should mention that there is a blur, as to where psychopathy begins and bullying begins, or narcissism begins, or other mental disorders begin. I am going to mention some people that were marginally psychopathic…

My older brother was, and probably still is, a manic depressive narcissist. He was a bully and a fuck-up and a failure at sensing people’s feeling, but he was not a psychopath. He messed with my life, but he was gone much of my life. His tyrannical influence did influence my other siblings. Notably: the two siblings flanking me in age, and who both wanted to be more right than me and so became lawyers. My older brother was supposed to become a lawyer, or etc., but these two bookends got the role instead, as if that would solve something, lol. Let me tell you one thing? If I ever wanted to be a lawyer, I would have been a lawyer. As it stands, I tend to dislike lawyers. So, if a lawyer assumes he or she knows better than me how I should trim a hedge? I’ll let you answer that.

I had a friend with whom I worked, in a restaurant, in Madison. He wasn’t a psychopath or a narcissist. We were pretty good friends, and we had a large, “Saint Elmo’s Fire,” crowd of friends surrounding us. But he had this creepy need to try to own what I was thinking, or should be thinking. I couldn’t understand it, but I have since discovered that many, many people are like this. Needy controllaholics. And they can be a danger.

In Ye Olde City, there was the crazy gay guy on the corner, of whom I have written. His problem may have been that he got mercury poisoning as a child, (plus, like it or not, there are a lot of gay men who are loud, pushy, controlling creeps. Just read about the rise of the Third Reich. Not to say there’s anything wrong with that. There are good, very nice gay people, as well). But, this guy acted like a Psycho, tried to own the neighbourhood by keeping up properties that weren’t his, and bothering everyone with his vain, loud leaf-blower. I believe he left one or two dead mice at my front door. And so on. He told me that the neighbourhood became terrible all because I had moved there, (gaslighting/blaming). And then someone burnt both of our garages down. So, he displayed psychopathic tendencies.

And these tendencies were even more pronounced by the crazy A-hole Guy who claimed the entire neighbourhood to which I had moved. He also used lawnmowers and other loud machines to pretend he owned property he didn’t own. He lied to everyone that he owned the house I was in. He was domineering, bullying, manipulative - and yet, a complete coward, behind his BS. Very enlightening. He lied like the devil, constantly. He was full of hate and anger. And, it was all about serving his childish emotions. Yes, this person was definitely a psychopath, about whom more has been written.

Then, there was the crazy bald man downstairs, while I lived at the same place. He also lied profusely, was full of hate, banged on the walls at night like a coward, and sought to manipulate others against meh. I have written much about him, as well. One big crazy thing was that he made all these assumptions about me, and was clearly insanely paranoid about me. And I think the only justification he ever had in thinking that I was out to get him was when I got mad at him for imposing on me and my nervous dog, and also because there were times when I just banged right back at him. But, I must emphasize the weirdness of the unreal assumptions he made about me. And, I have discovered that this paranoia is a common and important trait amongst psychopaths. It was obvious and clearly present in all the examples I have mentioned, save for my friend at the restaurant, who was not really a psycho.

Next, unfortunately, there is my sister, one of the two lawyers who flank me. The assumptions, and projections and gaslighting from her, over these past months, has been bizarre and surreal. She shares the same trait of making assumptions as those above. Well, when you think about it, making false assumptions about people, which soon manifest as misrepresentations, is another manifestation of a psychology dependent on lies. I have written on the expense and addictiveness of lies in the fairly recent post, “The Entropy of Power.”

Well, believe it or not, this, “Part One,” is really just an introduction. Maybe Part Two will be even smaller. But, it will list more of the traits of Psychopaths, and the habits they employ. I am sure I will say more about my sister, in asides, but this is not a series about my sister. It is about what I have learnt about this less developed member of our species which, calmly and coolly, walks amongst us nevertheless. The psychopath can be called a child who never grew up, but uses his or her higher brain to gratify more immature emotions. But, in many cases, psychopaths can be viewed as our animal, primate nature - and not the good kind - still active and alive, in the form of individuals who, whether by upbringing or environment or illness or genetics, remain throwbacks of sorts. Since there are so many of them, and they continue not to be culled from our species - maybe in fact even increasing in proportion with the rise of civilisation - then they must be seen, like other persistent groups, as a component of our society, politics and economics, as functional or dysfunctional as they may be at this point in history.

My philosophy of transcendent existentialism - that we seek to transcend despite reality - would be one way of believing that we need to rise above and beyond the psychopathic nature of our society, and so making the leap, after which a great number of individual psychopaths would simply adjust. That wouldn’t solve everything, but at least we would have an agreement that the disease is not something we welcome. Rather, we'd prefer to evolve.

Please check my past writings via the tags.

hypocrisy / hypocrites, my family/relatives, psychology - psychopaths, lies / lying / liar liars, s- 'profile of a psychopath' (2021-2024), crazy bald guy downstairs, crazy gay guy on corner (cggotc), all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, my past, psychology - narcissism / narcissists

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