Like sands through the whore glass.

Oct 30, 2021 19:35

Well, hello, peoples!

Apparently, I now have WiFi interwebs.  You know what?  It isn't as fast as they say it is.

OK, so this...  Assisted by brother, made the final move-out, picked up my dog, who was now all fluffy black because of is bath, and then we proceeded to the rental house.  My sister was there, and did not entertain one moment of showing me through, or asking if I liked this or that.  She just sat there drawing up a lease I had never agreed to.  This is the way it has been for two months or so.

After all that packing, and so on, I was not capable of reading the lease, so I told her NOT TONIGHT.  She said she would come back in the morning - I asked for later than 11:AM and she gave me 11:30.  At some point, I discovered that I had lost my wallet.

Next morning, my CFS was reacting to the heavy paint-thinner-like fumes from the bath re-glassing.  And, I needed to find my wallet.  So, I headed out.  Not meeting with my sister was just fine with me, because it was about time she felt the kind of disrespect I have been getting from her.

It was a difficult walk to downtown.  I had to get to the library, so I could get online.  Which happened.  I placed a CL ad, and tried to contact as many places where I might have lost my wallet in my old town.  What else?  Tried to find a phone, w/o success.  Downtown, I noticed a whole bunch of stuff just sitting out on the sidewalk, which I assumed was left out for homeless people.  There was no other message that made any kind of sense.  Trying to remember what else yesterday....  Got home, and my sister had been in the house.  She had pretended NOT to have read what I had left, or taken my 3+ month check, but instead left post-it notes on 'my' fridge.  After all the supposed care about me, she threatened to evict me for no lease.  She's a psychopath.  She has just kept confirming this.  Oh - she tried to hunt me don in car, as I returned home.  Psychopath.

OK, so, next day - today.  It was urgent for me to get back to the library, despite my cramping muscles and my fatigue.  So glad to get nice responses from my former property manager and the dog place.  Also was relieved that someone had found my wallet and the store would be sending it back to me.  How about that?!  Soooooo relieved!  I was also able to finally establish my internet account online, by using my laptop concurrently with a library computer!  Yay!  Which is why I can post to you now!

Found that the Post Office was closed everywhere.  Got a bus schedule.  Had a salad at Subway - $8 stupid dollars, and almost half the size of those I could get in the previous town.  I should mention thand, the area around the Social Security office, radiatiing outwards, has gone to pot.t, yesterday and today, I have been chatting it up with so many people!  And, in this general area, people actually say HI and chat.  On the other has gone to pot.

I did pass one white woman talking to an Hispanic lady about sociel services stuff.  And, you know what I think.  I think the white woman was my sister.  I think my sister stole my mail-to-send, sitting in my box, and went down to the social agency it was mailing to, and chatted them up.  Because she is a psychopath and cannot keep herself out of any damn thing I do.

Also got some spiked Kombucha from a nice establishment.  Then I came upon all that stuff that was apparently left out for homeless people, and I saw a wig.  I thought of sending this to cancer recovery friend, digitalwave.  Then some asshole comes ouy of nowhere and starts yelling at me for taking other people's stuff, even though this stuff has been sitting there for at least 2 days.  He starts making fun of me, telling me my life was worthless, and so on.  I returned the wig and told him was an asshole and a fool.  Walking further up the street, I found someone to call the cops for me.  So, I went back there and waited, but the cops never sowed up.  So, I went back to the scene of the crime and talked to two guys there...

Maybe 3/5ths of the stuff was part of a protest, even though it made no sense.  I talked with one of the organisers.  Another portion of the stuff belonged to an actual homeless person, with whom I chatted, and who was very nice.  And the bag containing the wig belonged to a crazy man who had run off and left the stuff.  And, I believe I had run into this guy further up the street, before I had doubled back.  Indeed, he was crazy, and pretended to attack me twice.  anyway, the two guys I talked to were just fine.  I'd like to help that homeless guy and his two dogs.

Ummmm....  Went o Walgreens to get supplements, because I am locked out of 'my' garage, where all my supplements are.  Nice lad helped me there.  Then I looked at my bus schedule, and thought to go to a certain location where I should be picked up.  But I got it wrong.  Some little woman with a little dog drunkenly told me, too closely, to backtrack.  So, I spent more time walking just to catch the bus, and then afterwards, walking from the bus, than I would have spent just walking 'home'.

Walkng home, I came upon a man walking his dog, so I crossed the street to say hi to the dog and ask the guy for directions.  Which was nice.  My street weirdly stops, and then starts three blocks down.  More Effing walking!  I was getting some kind of serious tendonn pain plus blisters, not to mention the CFS!  Back on my street, I passed a nice woman who said HI and stepped back for COVID.  I toled her I was moving in nearby and she welcomed me to the neighbourhood.  I am telling you, this is generally a good area.  Also passed a man with two puggish looking dogs who wouldn't stop barking at me.  There are a little too many angry dogs around for my prefer.

Yet agin, I walked past my house.  Did it yesterday, as well.  I don't know why I keep missing it.  I think it is CFS, mostly.

Dog was so wonderful.  He had waited all that time, despite me leaving him water/'milk' to drink, without relieving himself.  He is really great in so many way, and annoying in some other ways.  So, I let him out and started on my Kombucha, and here we are.

I feel I have left a thing or two out.  I reallly have coem to the conclusion that my sister is a psychopath, and maybe I will post as to why later.  I an glad to be in this area, but the main, remaining problem, far and away, is my sister.  She is nuts.  NUTS.

I can't find my glasses for being online and so this has been hit-or-miss.  I did call my glasses place in my previous town, for which I do not have an LJ name, but they said my prescription had expired.  I am needing to take a driver's test, but I think I'll have to see an optometrist first because the stress of 'this 'move' seems to have worsened my vision.  At least at this moment.  Maybe if I get the sleep I need it will be better.

I miss being on LJ with you wonderful people.  I can't comfortably say that I will be back in full form until all this 'house management' BS has been righted - hopefully.

PS - I don't conclude that certain people are psychopaths lightly. I have been studying human behaviour for decades. My sister is a psychopath. Which reminds me: I also stopped in at a new age sort-of psychology place today. I talked to the proprietor and it was great. We talked about the gaslighting from narcissists, about autistic people - and do they have an element of narcissism? Really, I am going to keep in touch with this person.

Now, if my psycho sister were to read this post, the next predictable thing to happen would be that she would descend on this person and start trying to win her over. More later...

cities - ye olde city illinois, my family/relatives, moving 2021

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