On Transitions, of sorts.

Oct 12, 2021 17:02

Another bad start.  Crazy frontal brain fatigue.  I was worse even after I did a nap.  Then I picked up where I left off, yesterday.  I have been spending time on gathering tools, sorting nails and screws, and then boxing most of this in a sturdy, compact box.  A big accomplishment.  So many little things had been separated all over the apt.  Then I updated my small tool kit and my tiny tool kit, meant for various degrees of travel.  Since today was another slow day, I put off making any calls.  It's possible that I might go to library tomorrow.  Need to make online orders, etc.  And now for the posts hip convo:

I was a big fan of Noam Chomski, Howard Zinn, and whomever was in that click.  I told people about, "A People's History Of The USA," because I wanted them to wake up to an alternate way of seeing the world.  From the perspective of the marginalised - which is a very valid perspective, if not the most important one.  But I didn't ever think that Marxists would goad Progressives would goad Democrats to try to make Zinn's history the ONLY version of reality.  That's not what I wanted.  I marched for blacks and the poor, etc,. but I didn't want riots from feckless Antifa and BLM, shooting themselves, and poor communities, in the foot.  The Dems agreed to this sloppy revolution, yet stated openly that it was not a natural Marxist transition.  They said they couldn't wait, they were forcing this artificial revolution.  What a mess.

And I was, and continue to be, a big supporter of LGBTQWERTY rights.  I know that it is a reality that some people are stuck in the wrong sex.  It's as true as homosexuality.  But the culture warriors took this small minority as some kind of proof that all of society needed to be deconstructed, so that all girls had the chance to be boys, and vice versa.  Yet another stretching of the truth, or of the mission.  Over the top, as Americans, especially Californians, like to do.

Progressives like me never asked for this, requiring gender-neutral toy aisles in stores.  Catering to every child who might be temporary deluded into wanted to be the opposite sex, yet have no grasp of what sexuality is.  To the point where psychologists and agencies decide to take children from their parents.  And so on.  The Dems keep taking the minority view, and demanding that the majority convert to it, completely.  And you can see this in countless other areas.  It's wrong, and it is being enforced in more and more fascistic ways.  It is the opposite of progressive.  Americans got other Americans to quit smoking because they left the decision up to the smokers.  Today, the Dems are demanding that people convert to CRT, to vaccines, to censorship of differing opinions, to a rewriting of history, and to anti-capitalism, without giving them the choice to change.  They are obsessed with controlling people.  And this is very, very dangerous.  It's the same thing as Hitlerism, except Marxist CRT, and related, are substituted for the ideology of the Uberman Supremacism.

They base their view that children must be undoctrinated, so they can be free to become the opposite gender, (or one of something like 47 flavours), on the false assumption that society, not genetics, not other environmental factors, is what determines who we are.  So, they want to break up everything 'bad' society has done, and replace it with their utopian idea of a 'good' society.  Like Marxist revolutionaries of the past, when they find out that things aren't that simple, they will get angry, and start killing people.

But, the fact is that genetics usually has about as much influence on who we are as environment, including socialisation.  Adolescents may reach puberty by 13 or 14, but their template for sexuality is formed at about 3-5 years.  A young boy may be genetically predisposed to be marginally alternate gendered, and if, at about 4 years old, his sisters dress him up like a girl, showering him with attention, (see Eddie Izzard, e.g.), then there's a good chance that will seal the deal, and he will reach puberty, identifying internally as female.  Until that time, that limbic part of his brain will get layered over, like an onion, by newer, more sophisticated areas of the brain - sealing it in, making it permanent.  Or, another way of saying it: their networks will derive from it, and will therefore reinforce it.  That part is highly genetic, as well.  Environmental influence, after this age, may be almost irrelevant.

So it is with straight kids.  In general, girls naturally want to play with dolls, and boys with trucks.  Because their inner brain has already been wired, to a significant degree.  But that is not to say that the brain can't change.  Some straight males who have gone on m-f hormone therapy report that their sexual preference changes to males, away from females.  But that's chemical.  That's doesn't follow from kindergarten gender reeducation camps.

Making the exception into the rule, that everybody must follow, is a way that these Demolutionists can edify themselves, prop up their power and so-called authority, and rationalise their need to control everybody else.  Now, I think that something like that - the pathological drive to control if not to kill - is a much greater problem to confront that the menacing statues of Andrew Jackson or parents who want their children not to be taught to be racists or, frankly, bastards.  Whatever percentage of the population these OCD psychopaths comprise, they apparently swayed more than half the countries voters to support them in 2020, allegedly.  So, yes, this is a very big problems, and I think we need to establish camps for their own psychological reeducation.  Because they think they are something that they are not.

OK.  Back to work.  Goodnight.

lgbt - transgender / transsexual, psychology - gender, chomsky - noam, zinn - howard, psychology - gender dysphoria (lgbt), social justice warriors, psychology - gender - transgender (lgbt), politics - democrats in denial, psychology - controllaholism, "demolutionists"

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