High Fakery

Oct 12, 2021 05:34

I'm sure you've all seen this event.  Vice President Embarrass, who should have been at an important meeting with the Mexican president, since she is supposedly the Border Czar, was instead at a school, marvelling about the craters on the moon.

image Click to view

Kamala Harris spaces out in video boosting science for kids
Kamala gushed about how the preteens would be able to see craters on the moon with a telescope - even though its craters are visible to the naked eye.  “You guys are gonna see, you're gonna literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes!”

Her voice is so glaringly fake and contrived, like her handlers expect not only the kids, but we the public, to believe this crap.  Which is how this crop of Dems ran the election, on platitudes and lies, either expecting voter to be complete idiots, or strategically focusing on stupid people, because only stupid people - a hitherto vast, untapped resource - would vote for them.  Thus, they imagined themselves to be complete geniuses, methinks.  Look at Biden.  All he's ever done is talk and lie, and yet, somehow, as a lawyer, and now president, he is expert on every damn thing under the sun, including how you should be living your own stupid life.  "OK, boys and girls?!  You're on the Moooon!"

Turns out that the kids at Harris' little narcissistic fake-out were hired to be there.  They were actors.  Child actors.  Can you believe it?

And Biden is making is TV announcements and "press conferences" from a fake White House Oval Office.  It's fake.  For all we know, he's back in Delaware on amphetamines.

Harris is supposed to be the border Czar, and all she ever did was visit a town not on the border, which was not experiencing any of the immigration crisis.  Why?  Because they believe in Fake.  They think that if they set a glorific date for withdrawal from Afghanistan, somehow, this wins the war, and makes Afghanistan, and all the blood on their hands, and all their lies, disappear.  "Afghanistan was a success!"  And magically, we are to believe that it was.

There's no crisis on the border.  It's not open.  It's closed.  Don't be a white supremacist.

The border guards were racists who were whipping poor immigrants - because we said so.

The country began in 1619 - because we said so.

We have a mandate to decree mandates without actually decreeing mandates - because we said so.

The vaccine did not come from a lab - because we said so.

We won the election fair and square - because we said so.

We are experts on everything, including your thoughts, speech and choices - because you need us.

And so on.  I can't even spend time digging up the fakeries they have been concocting.  But you can go back to my list of their lies - which isn't even complete.

Such arrogance.  They're just making fools out of themselves.

And she's an astronaut.

Note: I had to use the NYP story, because most of the other stories are, "Republicans Pounce," stories, which are meant to shift blame for Dem mistakes.  I also had a hard time finding the video itself.

harris - kamala, politics - democrats in denial, lies / lying / liar liars, biden - joe biden, fake-out, idiots

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