Spirits are stirring

Sep 26, 2021 19:31

Well, after my browser work, I did some sorting of random note papers.  Lots of envelopes with scribbles on them.  They either go into these piles: phone/address'; memories, and, 'sporatic genius thoughts.'  So, I boxed a few things, and felt I had made enough progress to move on to the next things to do, which are via computer.  My back is already sore from bending/etc.  After all, this is still a relapse day.  So, gotta say, not bad.  I'll be headed for bed soon, after the Kombucha wears off.  But these damn pittbulls outside my window have no mercy.  You would think, you know.  Pittbulls.  Having mercy.  Right?  But NOoooooooo...

Note: End of September:

No more Disney stores in Canada, according to Disney fan, arielstreasures.

And this is the 30 year anniversary of the 1991 Perfect Storm, off the East Coast, which would have been fun to post about.

September was my favourite month, until Global Warming screwed it up, this year for example.  So, now it's October, which was Ashley's favourite month.  She was big on Halloween.  I think the female who destroyed my life was born around Halloween.  I have to move by Halloween.  Happy Hallowe-en.

PS Going to bed.

moving 2021, countries - canada, holidays - halloween, disney

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