slip slidin'

Sep 26, 2021 11:32

This is either day 3 or day 4 of relapse. Needless to say, getting virtually nothing done.

Computer/net has been impossible for a few days. I am slowly transferring browser tabs to an rtf document, since my browser is so addled it can't even save tabs anymore. By doing this - reducing my browser windows - I am beginning the process of shutting down this main computer until who knows when. It is going very slowly. Pages take forever to load. In the meantime, I rest. Perfect, right? I am so blessed. Thank god for Sundays.

I have no idea when the LJ "post" page will ever load.

Lots of topics - future LJ posts - are in the process of being put on ice:

-the COVID conspiracy
-Tasmanian Tigers and the islands down there
-the dangers of cashews
-evolution of / northern dogs
-8 below
-and many more, including my heady theme posts
-goodnight for now, hemispheres askew

PS - Once upon a time, I was fixing to get my car fixed, including the muffler. But I was so sick, I kept having to put it off. My insurance was soon to expire. Finally, when I was well enough, my insurance had run out. The idea was that, by this time, my car would be in the shop. Instead, I was crawling out of a relapse. I decided to drive my car to the shop, anyway, believing that any cop who might possibly stop me would be OK with this. At the shop, I learnt the repairs would be exorbitant. So, I decided to take the car home. And what would the point be of leaving the car there just to have the exhaust repaired if I was never going to drive the car?

Driving the car home, I stopped at a light, and behind me was a cop car. The light turned green, I started up, and on went the cops flashers. He wrote me a ticket for the loud exhaust, and summoned me to court because I was driving without insurance. I lost my license because of that. People don't understand that the system is made for normal people. Marginal people get snagged in it. There are virtually no exceptions for the exceptionally misfortunate.

So, here I am in the rotten core of this bad apple of a town, where cars and motorcycles without functional mufflers drive by my window, some even revving their motors in defiance, making me sicker. And nothing is done about it. I think of a small insect that gets caught in some kind of funnel that is lined by spikes - a carnivorous flower - and the insect just gets pulls deeper in the more he moves. Pardon me for moving again.

moving 2021, pol, my past

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