A brain too far.

Aug 10, 2021 10:33

So, mission accomplished, yesterday.  But it was very, very difficult.  Pushing myself too soon.  The hot humidity did not help.  Went shirtless for a while.  Along the way, noticed two other peeps w/ backpacks.  Maybe I've started a trend.  Called just get it done.

There were only 1 or 2 other customers at the bookstore.  I was winded, and making some big breaths, and whatever.  Apparently, the old lady who was organising the CDs started imitating me.  That's what they do here.  "I need to teach that boy a lesson!"  Ughh.  As far as organising the CDs, most of them were upside down.  This place can't rest until everything has an element of dysfunction.

At the library, happy big-toothed lady had a laughing chat with me.  Apparently I am only supposed to take out 10 CDs at a time.  I told her I'd do that next time.  Ripped some of the CDs there, while making Instacart order.  Returned them in the drop-box, along with a few that I had bought at the bookstore.  Walked to LL's drop box and left my rent.  Because I read her last email, and she declared that that $90 charge was a mistake.  I think she was just covering up for herself.  But that's fine.

At home, ate a few things to try to assuage my CFS demons, and decided to have only one glass of wine, which was the right decision.  Tried to watch, "Summer 03," (the best bookstore find), because it had gotten several awards, but it didn't work - maybe wrong region.  So, I watched, "Clueless," which I remembered seeing long ago.  In the past, I never made the connexion that that was 'today's' Paul Rudd.  I might say more about this movie in the future.  I liked how it ends with one of my favourite songs, "Tenderness."

Able to take dog out a little earlier this morning.  Pulled a few weeds, scooped some poop, then check behind the house and, sure enough, the new giant white people had scattered open garbage on this property.  I picked it out and put it near their back porch.  There was also a large garden house once thrown back there, which I had thrown back off, which was now thrown here again.  So I threw that back.  A-hole Guy owns this house, and the trouble never ends for the house or from him.  Even Nether-Girl said it, "That's where the cockroaches come from!"  Because the hose was involved, it's likely that A-hole Guy will try to harass me again.&nb p; I've still got my shorts and shoes on, in case trouble starts up.

The thought was to finish off the wine today, but not sure that will happen, as I am dealing with a left-wing migraine.  And noticing I feel like sleeping.  We'll see - ya!
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