God Bless the Clueless.

Apr 07, 2017 17:53

California woman falls off 730ft bridge while taking selfie

A US woman has survived after falling off one of America's tallest bridges while taking a selfie.

India police search for parents of girl 'living with monkeys'

As Waikiki moves homeless out of tourist zones, some fear perpetual displacement

Homeless in California’s redwoods - the 'land of the lost'

Jaw-Dropping Art Captures Stark Beauty of Disappearing Polar Ice

The state has let millennials down. That’s why we crowdfund basic needs

'I refuse to be like them': why the man shot while protesting Milo Yiannopoulos doesn't want revenge

The New Wave Of Violent Protests Is Exactly What The Elite Want - Here's Why

Article: The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate | OpEdNews

Leftists, Dick Cheney, And Hillary Clinton Unite To Peddle Russia Hacking Narrative, Provoke New Cold War

Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats’ Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories “A Joke”

Naomi Klein to rush out new book taking on Trump administration

2015: U.S. Weaponry Is Turning Syria Into Proxy War With Russia

The Deep State Distraction Tactic Is Pushing Trump To Face Putin - Episode 1247b

Did the Government Spy on Trump? Of Course - Here’s How We Know

Bombshell: How Far Did Obama Spying Go? The Sharyl Attkisson Case

California Legislature Actually Tried To Make It A Crime To Share Fake News

Trump cites (fake) attack in Sweden

2016 Sweden terrorism plot

Days After Trump's Comments, Violence Erupts in Sweden

Trump Was Right: Riots Break Out in Rinkeby, Sweden

Stockholm riots spark online debate over Sweden's 'no-go' areas

Stockholm lorry rams crowds, killing 'at least four people'

At least 2 dead in Stockholm 'terrorist attack': Swedish prime minister

Who Was Behind The St. Petersburg Bombing And What Was The Motive?

Trump Lets Saudis Off His "Muslim Ban"

Saudi Arabia, the United States, and the special terror relationship

Arabs praise 'Abu Ivanka' aka Trump for Syria strike and #AmericaIsOverParty fears army draft

Syria war: Trump's missile strike attracts US praise - and barbs

Disgust as Corporate Media and DC Politicians Gush Over Trump’s New War

Speculators Salivate at Potential for War in Syria (Video)

US afraid of real investigation into Syria chemical incident - Russian deputy UN envoy

Proof: Turkey Did 2013 Sarin Attack and Did This One Too

‘No doubt in our minds' that Assad behind Syria attack, Rex Tillerson says - video

‘I never rush to accept anything US says,’ Ken Livingstone tells RT after Syria strike (VIDEO)

Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

NPR backs the bombing: "Is It Possible The Syrian Rebels (Not Assad) Used Chemical Weapons?" NOTE: I listened to this story, and found it faulty. Also, during the Obama Admin., NPR immediately assumed that Assad inflicted a chemical attack. However, this time around, 2017, NPR was sure to say, "A POSSIBLE chemical weapons attack." They did this to keep the edge against Trump. Later along, though, when so much of the establishment clearly supported Trump's move, NPR started referring to the incident as a definite chemical weapons attack - then they ran the story above simply to now dismiss any question.

Hours before airstrikes, Hillary Clinton called for bombing of Syrian airfields
"I really believe we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them.”

Do You Have to Fuss Every Time We Fight?"- (Here is where I was hoping to post an alternate interview with Steve Pucinick(sp?), where he argues that Trump's airstrike was a good thing, because it gave him leverage against China. Actually possible. Yet this Machiavellian thinking only brings entanglements and threats down the road. It doesn't matter how you play it: Violence begets violence. So - You better be ready for what's coming).

I'm still looking for clues!.....

UK govt ‘fully supports’ US missile strike on Syria

Syria war: UN emergency talks after US missile strikes

“In Violation of Int’l Law” - Russia Deploys Cruise Missile Frigate in Response to Syrian Strike

Well - they got what they wanted, right? By hook and by crook, they are finally getting the chance to take out Assad as planned. They have another proxy war with Russia. And the intractable finger of World War shakes and points with ominous satisfaction. Because Trump has allowed himself to be swallowed up by the same Deep State that ran Obama, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, McCain, and all their infinite little evil elves. They got what they wanted and our population has been dithering in self-defeating acrimony. Squabbling mini-Kings, exhausting energy and alternatives, in a decided, addictive decline of Empire.

How has Donald Trump's position on Syria changed?

Syria war: Is Trump slipping into Syria quagmire?

And they made the final turn of Trump, which began with the GOP and ended with the menacing CIA, FBI, etc., chiefs - turning him from a populist, to a ultra-social conservative, to a pro-Goldman-Sachs Supply-Sider, to a Sugar Daddy for th military-industrial complex - and to a Neo-Con moving to do battle with what was his only friend, it sometimes seemed: Putin's Russia. (Trump made the bombing on the same day Bannon that left the NSA, and also while he was meeting with the Chinese leader during the Korean nukes issue).  I'll do a post later on how Trump has been betraying even his own supporters, (including Ron Paul and Rand Paul).

‘Another Neo-Con puppet’: Trump’s former backers jump ship after Syria airstrike

A Nation of the Walking Dead - by CHRIS HEDGES

Living a Lie: We Deceive Ourselves to Better Deceive Others

6 Reasons Why We Self-Sabotage - Scientific American

The Point of Pointless Behaviors

YOU ARE brainwashed, like the rest of us. Here's how... listen up, please!

"The Sane Progressive"

Why there’s hope for LGBT rights under Trump

Ignorance is Bliss: This American Life - - Especially ACT TWO.

progressives / progressivism, bb - military-industrial complex, denialism, propaganda, all * denial, politics - democrats in denial, countries - sweden, war / stop it - war no more!, bb - deep state, states - california, war - syria, the 4 naomi's, violence / fascism, presidents - trump donald trump, zombies - corporate media zombies, ignorance - ignorance / neglect, bb - conspiracies, terrorism and so-called terrorism, #americaisoverparty, animals - monkeys, clinton - hillary clinton - and see pres, children - feral children, countries - russia / ussr, living with monkeys, zombies - cellphone zombies, millennials / millennial generation, zombienomics, chomsky - noam, hedges - chris, class - homeless / homelessness, klein - naomi, countries - syria

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