Talkin' 'bout a Revolution - Tracy Chapman

Apr 06, 2017 12:45

I think this song is worth keeping alive...

"Internationally, this single was a big hit, reaching the Top 40 in several countries, including France and New Zealand, becoming a classic in Chapman's song repertoire.[2] The song received heavy radio play in Tunisia in 2011 during the Tunisian Revolution.[3][4] The song has also been used as an unofficial theme for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign. This song played before speeches at campaign rallies.[5]"

Note - It is interesting that both the Arab Spring and the Bernie Sanders fling were influenced by this song. The Madison protests (2011) and the Arab Spring (2011) both fed back into each other, and from that energy eventually came OCCUPY, in the USA, (etc.) Then came BLM and Sanders, neither of which could have gained strength without this question-authority momentum which preceded them.

However, the Arab Spring was seeded by American interests, along long-term strategies of USSR Containment, and the NeoCon/GOP "PNAC" - the Project for a New American Century. It was also facilitated by the CIA, Google, FaceBook and Twitter. Of course, destabilising 7 Arab countries did NOT lead to the hoped-for, and promised, democratisation. Only Tunisia was a success, in this regard. And, Egypt did manage to throw out both Mubarek AND the Muslim Brotherhood, who was backed by this Western strategy of destabilisation, and inserting puppet strong-man regimes. It is also said that Barack Obama had personal connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, but this is not widely acknowledged.

Apparently, the Tracy Chapman song might have been meant to be less of a protest song as a poke in the eye of people who merely TALK about change, but don't really instigate or get involved. Such has been the bane of American history, ever since 1/3 of Americans chose to sit out the American Revolution, (while another 1/3 supported England). This comfortable numbness is easy to adopt, in a culture of people who feel detached from government, yet are daily fed with delightful TV, junk food, political lies, infinite games of internet, and now, adept social programming via propaganda from the Deep Insecurity State.

Similarly, and regarding political lies, in most every (lucrative) war, it has taken some contrived event to shake people out of their complacency, and into demanding a fight. That includes 9/11. This social tardive dyskenesia could be seen as a good thing - or a bad thing. I'll leave that discussion for some other time.

But, when the time comes to move, people will latch on to the music and the marches that seem to fit the movement. Sometimes, the choices are absurdly odd or ironic, but they don't care. And so, whatever the true meaning of Tracy Chapman's song, it was used as a potent tool in movements which were both sincere and also funded by covert agents, such as the CIA, or George Soros. Of course, I prefer to see it as a song of protest. And that's all I have to say for now - I am done talkin' 'bout it, it, it, it.

Wiki -

Lyrics -

YouTube -

(See tag for other protest songs).

revolution / revolutions, music - protest songs, 9/11, pnac, history - usa protests / war movements, music - chapman tracy, class - poverty, bb - false flags / set-ups -"idk"

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