i want a gf named:

Feb 02, 2013 00:19


That's what I started brewing today. Also mixed additional dry dog food; adjusted cereal grain, and thinned down my soy lecithin, which is a good thing to do. I used a little in the beer, and also much more rice pasta water from yesterday.

Besides the diluted dry dog food in the large bin, I find I have about 65 pounds of dog food which contains gluten - less than average, but I still need to focus on buying some more GF stuff to bring that down. I do notice an effect on him, and the thought of the LT damage is dreadful. Other than than, I rested my brain all day. Hearing me, N-G began her cleaning mania, and recently had her dog barking outside my window. I think she wants me.

animals - dog food, food - beer and wine, food - dog food - and see animals

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