who's the real big bad of season seven: dick roman or sam's sideburns?

Jan 25, 2012 18:47

three episodes make for a great way to spend an afternoon off. and now i'm all caught up. of course, i have opinions. :D

anime. it's an art form. )


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portraitofafool January 31 2012, 07:18:34 UTC
No need to apologize about the spoilers, I love spoilers and they make me happy. I know all about shows I have never seen because of spoilers. If something says "spoiler alert" then I am there. Why? Because I hate surprises, but I love knowing things.

I really don't know if I like the kid or not, I just know that I don't hate her and I liked... how to put it? Her attitude? I just really enjoyed the fact she was an utter little bitch and not some simpering little twit like most female characters on that show are and then again, the kids on that show. Good. God. Amy was Jewel Staite's character's name on Show and her kid... I dunno what his name was. I just know that was one homely child they got to play him, jfc. But yea, maybe one day he'll kill Dean. I mean. Ykwim. I like the whole, "Your ass is mine, fucker." approach with the kid. I also liked Little Girl Lilith, that was a scary ass brat there.

The gods thing really pissed me off, I totally agree with you. Like what they did with Odin--which amounts to nothing really in the S5 episode ("Hammer of the Gods"?). I was all RAGE when that happened. No way would Odin have gone down like that. Ever. And I didn't like the way they handled Kali either, who is my favorite mythological deity of all time--I have a painting of her hanging in my room even--and the way she was presented just really, really sucked to me. Wow. I liked the episode on one hand and otoh, I was just like, "NO NO NO THIS IS WRONG!"

Ugh, SPN's werewolves... that is the one episode of that show I have not and will never watch. I've seen enough of it that I actually threw a damned fit about it. It wasn't pretty, but werewolves are my lifelong... something... love? I dunno, but I've been a big, huge, giant, enormous werewolf geek since I was about three years old (my mother thought me a very strange child) and I thought the way the "handled" it (because they so, so did not) was appalling. I am really glad Show has never revisited werewolves again, but on the same note I really kind of wish they'd leave off on the damned vampires some. And on a not-same-but-similar note, I want Lucky from "All Dogs Go to Heaven" to come back. I felt so bad for him, poor guy. :'(

D'oh! I know exactly what part you're talking about with the American Gods reference. How did I not catch that then? It was vaguely misty (which, btw, Gaiman also wrote an episode of Doctor Who...) but I still should've gotten it. Damnit. I love that book and Shadow is one of my favoritest characters ever, ever. One of my favorite scenes in the book is when he's talking to the raven and says, "Say nevermore." and the raven responds with, "Fuck you." LOVE SO MUCH.

So, speaking of Gaiman: How do you feel about Good Omens (if you've read it yet and if you haven't then you need to)?

Donna is so, so wonderful and awesome and amazing and hilarious and I want to keep her as the Doctor's companion forever. Or at least my next door neighbor because the ones I have now suck, but she'd be a rockin' neighbor. And she can totally bring her grampy, too. <3!


madlyxxmadd January 31 2012, 08:37:50 UTC
let's just skip right away to the neil gaiman love going on heah. did you not know he's my favorite fantasy writer of all time? neverwhere was my first foray into the fold of fantastical worlds (well on an adult level) and he has therefore remained the foremost in my cache of favorites. he lives in minnesota... and spoiler, so do i :) hence do i then feel supremely closer to his ridiculous hair. so good omens? like eight hundred times i've read it. know those people who would bring terry and neil the pages of good omens to sign, soggy from being dripped in the bath and contained in a plastic bag? yeah, that would so be me. freaked the h out when Crowley came on supernatural. freaked out. :)
there is nothing i wouldn't read by him. i am just salivating for anansi boys to hit the big screen... should it ever get there. even if i am the only one who goes and see it :)

but yes: supernatural. blah werewolf. good dramatic moments for sammy and oooh the intense dean stare of deeper meanings. epic. and good for the soul too. but yeah- blah. and while i love 'hammer of the gods', yeah, super disappointing.

i am a big firefly fan and i love that spn is bringing in the whedon favs. i always thought faith would be an interesting mix... maybe too much up deans alley :/ haha. but i digress.

can't wait to see cas. like can't wait!!!!

on other notes: i would like donna and you to be my neighbors. :)


portraitofafool January 31 2012, 09:41:50 UTC
HA! That was you did that with the book? That is too fucking awesome. I have... association with Gaiman in an incredibly vague way now. Hurrah! I think his ridiculous hair stems from some strange love he may or may not harbor for Robert Smith, who is like... a thousand years old and still a musical genius. "Disintegration" (the song and the album) is the best thing ever. Well. One of the best things ever. I keep waiting for Dax to cover The Cure so I can piss my pants and then faint in public--t'would be a delightfully humiliating way to end a lovely evening out. Right. So, Gaiman (look at me getting back on topic and so smooth about it...) he is a genius and I love his writing even if his abuse of the lowly comma can drive me quite mad sometimes. And if Anansi Boys ever makes it to the big screen, I will be right there with you. Oh, maybe we can take buses and meet somewhere in the middle, which would be... hmm... Kansas? HA! Then we can go see the movie together and squee and it will be fucking EPIC. Or maybe I am just out of my mind, but still. Kansas is really flat, so I dunno, we could gaze across the plains while we sipped some Big Gulps outside a Citgo after the movie. THUG LIFE. *fist bump*

Also, I, too, nearly had a fit when Crowley showed up. I was all, "I know where you got that name from!" Immature finger pointing abounded.

*holds chest* You love Firefly, too? Omfgyea! I miss that show so much and even the movie was good, which almost never happens. But you know what? I bet Faith would be more Sam's style in the long run because he likes his women feisty, dark and verging on (or even irretrievably) utterly morally corrupt. They can have raunchy, bitey sex (I love that Sam is a biter... or is that Jared? Hmm...) and Dean can sit all by his lonesome and be self-righteously indignant. Um. I may or may not have moments where I really want to punch Dean in the face. Shhh, lest the crazed Dean Girls come looking for my head. I like my head right where it's at, ya know.

Werewolf blah is blah, but I did like Sam's clawed face and his tears. The tears were nice and unlike Dean, Sam only cries when it seems appropriate. Dean... no onions on his burger? Tears. Dean... diner is out of apple pie? Tears. Dude needs a hormone adjustment or something sometimes.

Hark, tell me all. When is Cas supposed to be coming back? I've heard rumors and finally confirmation that he is returning, but what I read (and this was months ago) is that Misha is returning... but not as Castiel. So. I am confused and I don't like that.

Me and you and Donna would all be great neighbors. We could have summer barbecues, movie fests, start a book club and occasionally, spend drunken weekends in a fog of liqour so thick we don't remember much except something about a male stripper and pantyhose... *koff* I amuse myself sometimes.


madlyxxmadd January 31 2012, 19:23:17 UTC
well, to be fair and truthful, i haven't yet but it's coming. i had to buy a second copy because a) i kept loaning it out and could never read it when i wanted and b) now they make such a lovely pair (i have the black cover and the white cover now) but the binding is falling apart and the pages are getting loose. alas, its only a matter of time.

and THAT is precisely why i will never be able to jump fully on the bandwagon of these electric readers. i have heard all the arguments and i understand and even agree with some of them. yet if i am going for a jaunt across country or above land to a new place and my attention is going to be in need of some distraction in the form of the written word, am i going to be assailing myself with a myriad of options and book titles and stunning characters and dashing adventures so that my head begins spinning and i cannot fully relax into just one of the many many many many books i know and love? no. i am going to pack just 'good omens' or 'peter pan' or 'the eagle of the ninth' or 'the weed that strings the hangman's bag' or 'the book thief' (which has itself progressed to the Holding Together with a Rubber Band stage) and re-read just one of my favorites from the start. because that's the way i roll. but i understand that i could be just me and not the poster child of reading for everyone out there in the world. so i just say, let the world (and you, if you qualify, and please don't think i am holding that against you or think you less for it) have your kindles. i'm just gonna carry this book here. :D

oh the hair. the hair. i have wondered if he styles it, or just lets it run a muck as it pleases. i have decided the hair has a mind of its own (possibly a likewise genius mind) and it shall endeavor to be as homage-like as it wishes :D

"gazing across the plains" sounds so very american :D purple mountains and gazing plains of kansas. lol

*holds likewise to her chest* YOU TOO?! only one of the greatest shows on the planet and moreso because fox is a veritable asshat and doesn't know a damn good thing when they have it. *grumble deaththreat grumble* whedon is a freaking genius. i am addicted his genius. it is one of the main reasons that i am even planning a date to see the avengers when i comes out (if fantastic mr evans wasn't reason enough... oh, steve.) but yes. i guess i agree with you. a lot of people pair faith/dean in their fantastical brainy brains and i never really considered sam. you do have a point. dean's track record shows its not the openly fierce broads he chooses, it's the oftimes slutty, busty, ditzy, idiots, with one exception in lisa, who i did like purely because she was, for a while, exactly what dean needed. and i will forever be indebted to her for that, no matter her overall self or the epic ending of all things homesteady.

lol. bitey sam. i see that... i mean, yeah. *looks pointedly to season two, episode stupid dumb werewolf chick and epic sammy tears* dean never had that kind of action going... and ok we've only ever seen cassie and excuse me while i throw up...

i will not tell the dean girls on you (which i am one of, you know) i respect your freedom to love the supernatural character of your choice... and to punch those you don't. it's the beauty of the world we live in. sometimes even i want to punch dean... but then i usually want to kiss the black eye i just gave him. because, yeah, i'm totally badass *is not* haha

but then i also sometimes want to punch sam's hair. so i think that makes us even :)

well. i get myself a little confused. i meant misha, who is cas and i guess i just made the two one, instead of separate, which they are, because misha is a god. that man... guh. i just love him. but if he comes back, not as cas, i will still be all *sniffle* cassssssssss er... random dude! i wonder if he'll play jimmy again? although i doubt it. frankly i just don't know how they are going to get him back on the show, in a physical sense. i imagine he'd be a bit pruney from being underwater this whole time... lol

i hope you can forgive the above error. my head was stuffed with colds and sneezes and ineffective medicines. i was speaking without fully explaining from an altered state :(


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