Doctor Who Fiction Master Post

May 03, 2006 14:38

If you really want to get an idea of how far I've come as a writer, go ahead and (attempt to) read my very first fanfiction epic, a Classic!Who trilogy about the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace. It was pretty popular when it was written, back in...1995.

But in many ways this story paved the way for a lot of my later stuff, especially the Harry Potter stuff.  The characters of the Eternals, including the omniscient Theo, made their first appearance in these stories.

Extra bonus temporary awesomeness. Until I can move the text of this story to LJ, the following link will take you to the GEOCITIES page where it was originally housed featuring some really rad web design by yours truly that probably didn't even look that good in 1995.

The Yin Yang Trilogy

Follow-up short fic that (I think) represents some writing progress and was, in many ways, a dry run for the much-later Tenth Doctor short story I wrote in 2006 (link below).


A shorter multi-chapter fic following in the universe of the Yin Yang trilogy.

Party at Ground Zero -- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Much later I wrote one Ten/Rose short story that got a pretty enthused response.

A Thousand Languages

yin yang, doctor who, one-shots, master posts

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