Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.

Mar 19, 2009 22:45


Earlier today I got a tweet that my friend Greg, the astrophysicist/ballet dancer, was giving a talk about dark matter at a local observatory owned by Ohio Wesleyan University. Now, I love going to talks like this but I never seem to know where and when they are, and seeking them out is time-consuming. So I thought, yay! I'll go to that. It's a fascinating topic and I've never been to that observatory. Maybe we'll get to look through the big telescope.

So I met Brian and Jessimi at the North Market for our usual Thursday evening dinner. They were planning to go to some Sasquatch-related film somewhere. I told them I was going to this dark matter talk, and Jessimi gasped (gasped!) in excitement. Keep in mind Jessimi is an art educator who works at the museum, but she loooooves stuff like this and is always eager to learn more, which is one of the many things that is awesome about her.

They ended up skipping their Sasquatch outing to come with me to the observatory.

It was a beautiful, perfectly clear night. Greg's talk was great. And yes, afterwards we got to troop up to the dome and look through the Big Telescope, which was pointed at Saturn. I saw Saturn! Where it is right now you're looking at the rings almost perfectly edge-on, and they were right there! And the moons and everything! Then we went back outside to these two smaller telescopes mounted on the front steps and we looked at the Pleiades cluster and some faraway galaxy and it was SO COOL.

I felt really good as we left. It's kind of nourishing to my soul to go learn something, or do something new, and this was that.

But back to the jewelry.

Earlier today, you guys voted overwhelmingly in favor of necklace #4. That is my favorite as well. Not only that, but when I checked my eBay tonight, I found had gone on sale sometime this evening.

It's fate.

So I bought it. I was able to offset the cost some with a gift card I had from Christmas, but it's still the most I've ever paid for a piece of jewelry, but not by much. And this is my I-published-a-book present to myself, dammit. So before too long I will be the proud owner of this necklace:

Oh, and those of you who wanted the URL of the seller, here it is:

Offerings Jewelry

Now that I don't have to worry about one of y'all buying a necklace out from under me!

personal: cbus friends, interests: math & science, lifestyle: jewelry

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