You will meet the monster. Damn skippy.

Nov 18, 2007 23:18


"Dexter" is so damned brilliant I can't even talk about it. And yet what ho, here I am, talking about it.

As if it weren't clear enough already, that seemingly-throwaway line just cemented the inevitable fact that Doakes will be taking the blame for the Bay Harbor Butcher crimes. There's pretty much no getting around it. The only question now, and the suspense, is in how that'll happen.

Doakes has Dexter's blood slides now. Previews show him bringing it in for testing, Dexter being confronted, etc. Doakes' breaking-and-entering may complicate things, but I think what it'll eventually come down to is that Dexter will simply have to maintain that Doakes is framing him, and the thing is that everyone will believe him. Doakes has dug his own grave. Almost nothing he says about Dexter will be credible because of his history of stalking, harassing and even physically assaulting him. On top of THAT there's Doakes' recent history of executing people who "deserved it" (that Haitian guy from last season and the Ranger from a few weeks ago), his insubordination and suspension from the department, and on and on and on. Doakes can rant and rave all he wants about how Dexter's the killer but Dexter has plausible deniability, which Doakes handed to him on a silver platter over the last two years of suspicion.

What I'm wondering about is whether or not Dexter will have a problem allowing Doakes to take the fall for his crimes. He is, after all, innocent, and Dexter's not in the business of punishing the innocent...then again, he may not consider imprisonment to be much of a punishment compared to the sort he usually metes out. And he may also feel that Doakes will have only himself to blame. What concerns me is that if Doakes goes down for this, he will never, never stop protesting his innocence and Dexter's guilt, and the longer that goes on, the more likely it is that someone will listen to him.

On the other hand, we all know how well cops do in prison. Doakes may die there. More fodder for Dexter's possible guilt.

For the record, I kinda love the Deb/Lundy thing. The TWOP forums seem about 70/30 for/against (and they usually represent the absolute most contrary audience ever and the least willing to just accept what the show gives). I thought their dinner scene tonight was very natural, and that kiss was hella hot, and Deb seemed so much easier inside herself when she was with him, it was astonishing. Plus, hey...Keith Carradine? I'd hit it.

As for Lila? Bitch crazy.

tv: dexter

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