Chapter 13 of Two Crows Joy last night.
Man, I had the weirdest dream. I know, that's not new. In this one, I dreamt about a sadistic, inventive and almost otherwordly psycho killer tormenting a police psychologist (yes, my brain often gives me these kind of complex scenarios, which is why I sometimes call it The Internal Screenwriter). It was really creepy and scary, but disturbing in that the psycho killer was being played by...Austin Scarlett. Not my sweet, wonderful Austin!!!
So, the pictures of the final four's Project Runway shows are posted at Getty Images (check any PR community, website, or just search for one of the designers' names at Getty). I won't say anything specific to avoid spoilers, just my opinions.
I love Laura's collection the best. A lot of people are speculating, based on the content of the lines, that she's the one kicked off next, but I hope not because I love her clothes. I'm also surprised a lot by how much I like Jeffrey's line. I'm very disappointed that the one I like the least is Michael's, since he was the designer I liked the most throughout the competition. Uli's is pretty much more of the same Uli clothes.