I am a happy, happy girl.
Remember how last week I bonded with my Young Riders DVD boxed set? Yay! Well, it was great to watch it...so nostalgic...but I was immediately bummed out that seasons 2 and 3 weren't available. It might take a long time for them to be released, and if the season 1 set doesn't sell well enough, they might NEVER release it.
But then...I remembered ze power of ze INTARWEBS!!!
I visited a fansite and sure enough, there were several people with the whole series on DVD who are delighted to burn you copies. So later this week I will be receiving my very own copies of seasons 2 and 3. And there will be much rejoicing.
I am back working on a cross-stitch project which was set aside...oh, over a year ago. It's a thing for Rachel. It feels nice to stitch again. I'm coming along quite nicely, if I do say so myself.
This is what it'll look like eventually: