You know what I hate? When I get a nice hot cup of coffee from the cafeteria, and I'm sipping it carefully to avoid scalding the entire inside of my mouth, but I miscalculate with the lip action and get a big honking mouthful by mistake. Yeah, I hate that.
I feel like I'm drowning in writing projects right now. The crackfic is so close to being done that I can taste it. HWTF is nibbling at my heels, demanding attention. I'm tinkering with my next novel, as well as ideas for a sequel to "Third." And now...
Oh, Lord have mercy.
I talked to Super Agent last night. I told her that I was just starting to edge out of my "Third" hiatus. I'd started re-reading bits and pieces of it. By the end of the conversation, guess what I'd somehow decided I needed to do?
Yeah. Another top-to-bottom rewrite.
As in, retyping and recreating all 900-odd pages of the fucking thing. I know that this is a good idea, it needs to be done, and it probably won't be the last time, but man, I kind of dread it. The last time I did this, it was actually a very positive experience. I hope this one is the same. Super Agent says I shouldn't get carried away and start blasting through the thing, so my plan is to do no more than five pages a night...but I'm thinking I might have to increase that to ten. My pages are pretty damned short, and five pages a night would take me six months. Then's not like I don't have six months because I do. I'll go with the five-a-day plan for now. I need to be careful and meticulous and really think about each and every scene, sentence, and line of dialogue.
PLUS after I finish the crackfic, Super Agent wants me to write NOTHING for a whole week. I told her I didn't know if I could do it, although the prospect is appealing. I'll give it a try.
So, those of you who have the manuscript of "Third" (which I sent out to my readers in mid-December), if you can, it'd be great if you could read it soon. I'd like to hear your reactions before I start recreating the whole goddamned thing.
Hmm. Which of the
Stages of Novel Writing is this? I think I'm hovering in the 11-13 stages.