Again with the weeklong posting intervals. WTF, Lori?
Last week = uneventful. Except for book club, which was fun. We read Philip K. Dick's "Ubik" which I loved and adored, and our hostess for the evening made us this MONSTER vodka thyme lemonade.
My big news lately is that I got a haircut! My hair since surgery had gotten quite long:
I did like it long, it's been over a decade since I had it long, but I was wearing it up in a clip all day, every day, so what was the point? I decided I wanted to go shorter, something piecey and modern and cute. And I was going to a new hairdresser who was AWESOME. This is the cut he gave me:
It's maybe the best haircut of my life. It looks good after being slept on. It looks good when it air dries. The styling of it when I blow-dry it takes less than five minutes and requires only a dryer and a little spray. My hair follows the cut naturally and holds it forever. It can be tousled and messed up and windblown and it goes back into place with a finger-comb. LOVE. Imma keep this cut for a long time.
This past Saturday I went to the farmer's market in search of good tomatoes. I bought a ton, as well as cukes to make cukes-and-onions with vinegar and sugar. People often want that recipe, so here it is.
Take three large cukes (or more! you can scale it up as desired), peel and slice them kinda thin. This is the really important bit: soak them in really salty water for a couple of hours. Then drain them and rinse them really good. Add one large sweet onion (or more!); I slice them in half-rings, nice and thin. Add to that one cup sugar mixed with one cup white vinegar and 2 cups water. Pour over the veggies. Let it marinade at least overnight before nomming - sometimes I can't wait! I also picked up some Asian pears which I'd been craving. They're a tad disappointing, not terribly sweet.
My haul!
Saturday night I went on a four-mile sunset kayaking outing on a local reservoir. IT WAS AWESOME. My apologies to the Irene sufferers but our weather here in Ohio on Saturday was picture-perfect. Clear skies, high 70s, low humidity, light breeze. We were out for about two hours and got an awesome sunset.
Action Lori! Look how much I'm not falling in the water.
So that's about it for now.