Emo kids suck.

May 14, 2005 11:58

You know I've been taking all these Emo kid attacks personally. Why? I dont know. I'm not emo. None of my friends except two are emo (Tish and Stedam) *shrug* The emo stuff doesnt really bother me anymore.

In my last entry I was, as Josh said, Up on a Holy Pedistal. I'm sorry for that. I was rather sleep deprieved and really was not thinking. Alot of people have been saying unkind things about myself and my friends and I was getting upset about it. For a different reason than you would think. If you are going to pick on me or my friends then atleast be right about it. They are not emo. They are not all depressed and suicidal. Its strange but if you guys would actually take time to get to know them then you might figure it out. Most times when people post, its to relief tension or saddness so their posts may sound emoish. So if you are going to pick on me or my friends, atleast be right about it. Second off. Dont pick on me or my friends. We have done nothing at all to you. If we have then take it up with us personally. Be bigger people about it would you for once? Why is it so hard to ask that people are actually nice and kind to one another? I know I'm not perfect but I do try and be nice to people.

Randomly too: I want to dispell the notion that cutters cut to kill. They dont..if they did we would have alot less cutters. Cutters do their thing because it is how they relieve their tension or anger. It sounds stupid I know but then again look what we do. I break cds or other random useless things. Some people will play violent video games, others go run themselves down. Most people will hit things like doors or walls (smart ones use pillows they dont hit back) They just choose to hit themselves. Others do it simply because they have a strange fascination with blood. I never said it was smart or that I approve but I just wanted you guys to be informed.

I think I ranted enough for now. If I have offended anybody again, I'm sorry. Yes, its my journal and I'm apologizing for offending people.
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