May 10, 2005 23:52
*raises mug*
I salute you my Gents.
All those of you who are zealous in your glory and honor. In your kindness and generosity. Slay those Emo Kids. Burn that theatre where the drama lives. Then remember you little Bastards. You were all there once. You are there now. You can not even find the good in yourself (Yes I do believe there is good in everybody) that you must pick on otheres and ruin their lives. We have a name for you. We call you bullies. I'm sure we all remember them. People we hate. People that pick on us and call us names. They make us feel bad about ourselves and spread nasty vile rumors and lies. Oh wait. Is that not what you are doing now? Haha! The truth is out. Yes you people that view yourself as so high and might and above the drama. You are the cause of the drama. Not even normal drama. You are the worst of all. Attention drama. You start this mess simply because you are lonely and unsatisifed with yourself. YOu will pick on others and bring them down for your own glory!! Congradulations. You can make people feel bad about themselves. I bet you feel better. I can see your chest puff up in pride now. Aha here is your metal. Its emblazened with a Giant Yellow Chicken ontop of a Jackass. Yes because you are too scared to admit that you might be at fault of some of these problems that you must make others feel bad. To you I saulte!
Now. I understand not staying out of peoples problems. I never stay out. Why? Because I want to help. I dont want to spread lies and rumors around. I want to try and make all parties involved feel better. Isn't that what being a friend is all about? I never say mean things about people unless I am provoked. I have defended even people I dont approve of because they were being falsely accused. I ask this of you. Stop it. Please. For your own sake too. It is not helping you. Eventually you will see it will come back to you. Does it really make you feel better? Feel more like a man? It just shows you dont even have enough balls to stand up and accept that you may be flawed.
If you cannot say anything nice, then please dont say it. Its really quite simple. Unless I ask for your oppinion. Also remember. Most of us have been in the same spot, just different names. We're all Emo Kids. We all think certain people hate us and we dont like them. Most of us think the world is a bad place or will become one. The music may not be the same but we all play it loud and the meanings are the same. We may not cut but we do other things just as similar. Drown them in addictions and escapes. Sometimes we are just as physical but dont draw blood. We'll hit things or get into fights. We play ruff games or go exhaust our bodies. Everybody has had a bad life. We all ask for care from them too. Next time you go to picking on somebody for saying that they have it bad, saying how you have it worse. Think about it. Do you really like it when people say that? Or would you rather have somebody to listen to. Sure it may be annoying but still, who knows how much it could help. Try being a nice person some time, its amazing how much better it will make you feel.
Besides if you dont karma will fuck you. I love Karma.