Fic: Two for the Road (4/?)

Mar 29, 2011 02:08

Title: Two for the Road
Summary: Eliot thinks it would be safer if they split up, but he can’t bring himself to say it out loud. Eliot/Parker
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don’t own “Leverage.” Clearly.
Note: If anybody is still reading this, I apologize for the delay. My computer died, my backups failed, and it took forever to get back on track. Boo.

It’s been nearly a month since the explosion, and Eliot blames his foul mood entirely on that.

He’s been distracted all night, even taking some hits he should have been able to avoid. But the pain actually feels good, makes him more focused.

He wonders again where Parker is. Until tonight, she’s never missed one of his fights, and something in him almost needs her out there hollering for him to win. He misses seeing her flash him a thumbs-up, knowing that she’s betting all her much-loved cash on him.

He hasn’t seen her all day, and he wonders if she’s finally run off on her own. The idea of it makes him angry, and he takes it out on his opponent. He pounds on the guy, and the fight is over in no time.

He scans the warehouse again, and there’s still no sign of Parker, so he grabs his stuff and moves to sit in the corner, ignoring the women inevitably trying to catch his attention. Since the first one, he hasn’t even been tempted to go home with anyone but Parker.

Things have been different between them since that morning at Truck’s, despite his attempts to keep things the same. Now that he’s seen her as a woman and not just “crazy Parker,” he can’t seem to think of her the same way.

Eliot’s self-control is better than most, so he is mostly successful during the day at keeping Parker in the box where she belongs.

But at night, things are very different.

He can do with very little sleep, it’s true, but those few hours of slumber are now filled with dreams of her. Dreams where he followed his instincts that morning at Truck’s, waking her up with a mind-blowing orgasm. Or the one he has most often, of waking to find her on top of him, her mouth all over his body. It feels so real, he wakes hard and ready, only to be disappointed when she’s not there.

She’s taken to teaching him to pick locks. He’s never much found a need for lockpicking before; a bit of charm, or force, pretty much gets him through any door he wants. But Parker insisted, and he had no real reason to say no.

But once while she was teaching him, she impatiently grabbed his hand in hers to guide him. Instantly, he flashed back to the latest dream, his eyes locking with hers. He nearly forgot to breathe. Like a damn high schooler or something, no control whatsoever.

The fact that he’s losing control over himself pisses him off, and he finds himself taking it out on Parker, despite his best efforts.

Since that day, Parker has been different, too. After the brief rebound, she’s gone back to being quiet again; he’ll sometimes find her staring at him with an expression he doesn’t recognize. It’s like she’s trying to see inside his head. He only hopes she never knows what’s going on in his mind.

With a little time, he knows he can get over it.

But now she’s disappeared, and he’s afraid he’s driven her off with his crappy attitude. Even Parker can only take so much. He tries to tell himself he’d be better off without her, but he doesn’t quite believe it.

He has one more fight, and it’s a tough one. He tries to put Parker out of his mind, but her absence grates on him. Again, he takes a few more punches than he normally would, which finally breaks him out of his funk. He goes after his opponent like a machine, ignoring every hit, rolling with the punches, and takes him down in a few hits of his own.

Collecting his winnings, he looks for Parker again, but doesn’t see her anywhere.

He grabs his bag, but stops in his tracks as he’s surrounded by a trio of fight groupies. They giggle and tell him their names, which he promptly forgets. One of them, he sees, has straight blonde hair. In low light, she could even resemble Parker ...

He sighs, shakes his head and moves around the girls to the door.

He’s not going to sink that low. At least not yet.


He’s driving through the deserted town, feeling like the only person left on earth. At this hour, all the good citizens of Podunk, S.C., are snug in their beds. He might actually be the only person awake.

There’s a slight movement to the side, and he realizes that he’s not quite as alone as he thought.

He doesn’t even have to see her face to know it’s Parker. Who else would be dressed head-to-toe in black, slipping stealthily away from the bank at 2 in the morning besides her?

He hits the brakes harder than he intended, and his tires screech a bit. He takes a certain satisfaction in seeing the figure stumble at the noise. She freezes, glancing over, then visibly relaxes when she recognizes the truck.

He grits his teeth as she waves, then practically skips over to the truck like there’s nothing wrong in the whole damn world.

“Perfect timing,” she chirps, sliding into the passenger seat.

He barely lets her get the door closed before he takes off. His hands slowly grip the steering wheel like he’s strangling it as he attempts to keep his voice even. “Parker. What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing?”

Clearly his attempt to keep his voice calm is a total failure. She shrugs and slouches back in the seat. “I didn’t take anything,” she mumbles.

“You can’t just go breaking into banks!”

“Why not?”

“It’s illegal, it will draw attention.”

Parker huffs. “I’m not going to get caught,” she says, clearly offended. “Besides, it’s not like those fights of yours are exactly legal, either.”

“That’s not the point!” Truthfully, he doesn’t exactly know what the point is, but he’s mad as hell. Here he was worrying about her, and she was out robbing a bank.

He pulls in at the motel, stopping in front of his room. “I didn’t know where you were,” he growls. “For all I knew, Sullivan could have gotten to you. You can’t just run off whenever you want without telling me.”

Parker shoves her door open and hops out of the truck. “I don’t answer to you ... or anyone,” she snaps. “I just wanted to look around, see what kind of security they have.”

He doesn’t answer, just unlocks his room and waves her inside.

“You get to practice your skills, why can’t I?” she asks.

“No more banks,” he insists stubbornly.

“You’re not Nate. I don’t follow your orders,” she says, crossing her arms in front of her.

“Seriously, Parker? I’ve been carrying you this whole time, taking care of you after ... everything, and you can’t just do one thing for me?”

She slowly unfolds her arms and steps back toward the door. “Sorry to have been such a burden, Eliot, but you don’t need to worry about it anymore. We should have split up in the first place.”

“Yeah, maybe we should have.” His mind screams for him to take it back, but he doesn’t.

“Fine,” she says, yanking his door open.

“If you leave, I’m not waiting,” he snaps. “I’m out of here.”

She shrugs, then vanishes out the door, leaving it wide open.

“Fine,” he says, to nobody.

Just perfect.


fic, leverage

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