
Aug 19, 2010 11:44

1. I like getting grubby. It makes getting clean more fun. I also have irrational feelings of accomplishment when I'm wearing clay or dirt.

2. I missed wearing skirts this summer after doing it the past couple of summers. I wonder if this means I'm a girly girl now.

3. Wearing my selection of collected T-shirts, a mishmash of gifts, hand-me-downs, relics from summer camp, etc. dated me. However, I had a perverse amusement in showing off my nerd credentials (one of my classmates commented on my science olympiad T-shirt and we bonded over dropping eggs from tall buildings.)

4. Working the wheel, though frustrating, was really good for focusing me. Pity the results weren't more, err... focused.

5. I need to stop using myself up on one thing and figure out how to make a life besides the demands of work/school. Having two modes: turbo and off is exhausting and really not too good for me. That, and the buildup of things undone is bad.

6. Another reason to hate boys: upper body strength lends towards natural prowess at the wheel.  There were three guys in my class who were decent at working the wheel right off.  That and it was a bit embarrassing when I couldn't wedge/slam ten pounds of clay and one of the guys was able to without any difficulty at all  (got it stuck to the wedging board to the point that I nearly ended up doing a backflip trying to get it off.) Oh, and the only Community episode I've ever seen did get the insane jealousy of "the natural" that the rest of us try to fight off (with varying degrees of success) right.  That, and the students that seem to think ceramics is a blow-off class, which I don't think it was (though I suppose that depends on how the prof decides to grade at the end.)

7. It's still fun scolding silly boys.  I haven't indulged in this past time for a while since I haven't been hanging out much with clueless guys for a while, but I ended up having a worrisome one in the vicinity.  I don't know if this is a product of youthful carelessness or Bush-era lack of proper sex ed., but two surprised new young fathers in my class of fifteen is kind of an odd statistic (both are in college).  I do think that the desire to be around for their children is there, which is good.  One doesn't worry me too much-- he seems like he's making the effort to work/finish his degree/be there for the birth.  The other one (aforementioned worrisome one) really makes me a bit worried for his adorable baby daughter.  He kept trying to get other people to do his work for him when he'd barely shown up to class and had no idea what to do.

8. It's more fun to garden than it is to screen clutter.

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