Aug 13, 2010 15:59
Class finished with brownies, tea, and bagels with lox. Lox is AWESOME.
I had fifty-three pieces... Three of which cracked by the end of the day (one lovely lovely mug got side-swiped by a fragment from the cylinder that got away from me at the grinder, which rolled around to shatter and spray fragments all over the room but thankfully not into me, and my unfinished 1.5 hr five-minute japanese maple-leaf slipped plate which decided it didn't want to be mended with slip after all.)
Stayed at the studio until 9 the night before, working on my bas relief and helping/scolding another classmate of mine who thought he'd do six weeks' worth of work the day before.
Have been told that I'm infected with the mud addiction and will be back.
Did a mini-tour of the nursing building with L and got a bit creeped/fascinated by the medical simulation dummies laying about without eyes, stiff arms above the covers. (Still glad I didn't go the health care route).
Still have pieces to bisque, glaze, and finish (the bas relief is still rather sketchy). Also got permission from my prof to make things for the decals the TA printed out for me.
Cleaned up the studio post-everyone else leaving.
We'll see if my wrists can get reconciled.
So tired that if I could slither I probably would.