May 28, 2016 08:26
There's still a little time to send in songs for the Conterpoint program book, if anyone wants to, but I've started putting it together. When you're planning for a con while getting ready to move, you need all the lead time you can get.
The first step was to copy the Adobe Indesign file for the Conterpoint 2013 songbook. I did that and launched it.
Tried again. Crash.
Tried just launching the application without the document. Crash.
Rebooted and tried again. Crash.
So instead I'll do the songbook in Open Office. It seems up to the job. Setting up odd-even page footers is a bit of a crock; it won't automatically update the page modulus if I insert a page in the middle. I can deal with that.
I've just added the first song, Daniela Festi's "Circle of Filk." It's a good one to start the songbook section with.