OOM 1: Pre-Canon: One Year

Dec 26, 2006 00:00

Sally entered Milliways with nothing, and she wanted to leave with nothing. That way, the Doctor couldn't possibly take anything away from her.

Her room! Oh, she's wished to see this again- in some ways, Milliways was nice, but the feel of her own bed is so much greater a joy. Her sewing machine, her desk, her chair and her bed. It's all she needs, really.

"SALLY! GET DOWN HERE NOW YOU WRETCHED GIRL!" For such a small man, the Doctor could bellow.

Sally snaps to attention and goes to attend to him.


Jack wanders through the crowd, heads and shoulders above most of those gathered. They adore him, that's for certain, but something's missing. Perhaps it's nothing, merely some phase he's going through. Yes, Halloween Night shall tide him by.


"You're completely worthless. You know nothing and you'll never know anything! I should just make another creation and get rid of you!"

"Why don't you? I wouldn't mind!"

Doctor Finklestein sneers, sticking a finger in her face. "Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Leave me here all alone- your poor suffering Doctor! I made you, you know. You're mine. You owe me your life!"

Sally bites her lip. "I'm sorry- here, let me go make us some soup, okay?"

Doctor Finklestein pauses. "Alright Sally. You go make dinner. But no trickery, you understand?"

"I do."


"Sally! You came!" Jack claps her on the back with a jolly smile.

"Yes, you invited me, so I had to."

Jack laughs that rolling cackle of his. "You didn't have to, Sally, I just wanted you to come, so I invited you. Where's the Doctor?"

Sally's mind goes back home, where the Doctor is presently sleeping off a rather heavy draught of deadly nightshade. "Oh, he's been over-working himself lately. I sent him to bed after supper."

Jack grins. "You're so good to him, Sally."

"He's good to me- he always watches over me." Which is a nice way of saying he smothers her.

Jack offers Sally his arm. "Well, let's go, shall we? The children are waiting!"

This is Halloween, this is Halloween!
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