MadeSpace in Europe
August 2008: Britain > Ireland > Spain
For those of you on my Facebook, you'd have seen the first leg of the trip, so here I'll continue from the second leg - Ireland. This area is known as Clare county - home to Mark's folks. It was the evening before Peadar's 60th Birthday party and we just went walking around the area before dinner.
Clare, Ireland
The Irish country side. Quite scenic isn't it? Well that's if you can get a moment that isn't raining - okay I exaggerate - but it did rain quite alot, especially for August.
On the train from Dublin to Clare... Mark enjoys The Guardian newspaper.
This is the road that led from the house down to Spanish Point, the beach. If you look carefully... just above the rock (in focus) is a little Blackberry bush.
The Blackberry bush - yes they were free for the pickin' too.
Black = good.
Red = not good.
They are called Blackberries.
Oh and watch out for worms.
Now this just blew me away. Their reflectors in the road are in the colours of the Irish flag.
That's attention to detail.
Coastal grass is something to behold... it's really thick, bouncy and comfortable. They should make beds out of the stuff...
Okay so confession time, when I saw it, I did throw myself onto it to test it out.
By the beach at Spanish Point
So it's not quite the pristine beaches of Australia, or the volcanic sand beaches of New Zealand... but it was good enough for this kid, and that's what it's all about. You get lemons...
Mark at Spanish Point
Was interesting playing around with the 55-250mm lens...
This is the neighbour's crib at sunet - which in Ireland in summer is at 8.30pm. The rain let up just enough for me to get this shot, before closing in again.
Well that was pretty much day one of Clare county. Day two will be posted soon.
Over and out.