Jun 02, 2003 01:16
WIll you guys forward this to houstonap for me. email down again. shite.
<< Hey fine folks~
We got back from Kerrville tonight at about 10:30pm
Let's just say that it wasnt the euphoric, life changing experience it was without my family~~~~
I was still blown away by the incredible, beautiful talent on every curve in the road at the campsite. But I couldnt hone in on that energy as before. I think that is partly because my children take up a large part of my brain/head/heart etc and I become pre occupied, and partly because Sid was so negative from start to finish. Well I take that back..when he and I took the kids to the river on both days he was enjoying and enjoyable, but mostly he wasnt digging it (Kerrville, camping, the drive, etc). That was disappointing to me. I look forward to next year going by myself again. It was better than any self indulgence I can think of..alcohol, chocolate, food, a massage. Though I had all of those things there!
So...Im home. The AC is nice. And so is the private toilet.
love and kisses to you all