Jun 20, 2005 01:37
Ummm Melinda was hung over today how fun... she was soo drunk on sat. she was screaming and crying and i was drinking so i can't take care of her, so mancel did. When i attempted to take care of her she told me (while she was drunk of course) that she cut herself and i taught her how. i was like what the heck i never taught you how to cut yourself. i do it but that doesn't mean you should or have to. I don't want her to. I was a little tipsy at the time so i got slighty angry at her. Other than that i did close to nothing today. today i'm going camping with kayla until thursday. i have yet to pack, like normal i'm a moron and i'm procrastinating until its no longer possible. I wanted to talk to clinton before i left but aparently thats not in the cards considering the bastard never answered his phone. Odds are hes out with his friends getting drunk and smoking. which i hate but he tells me not to worry he only smokes when he drinks and i'm like duh clinton you drink like 4 times a week and hes like yeah but this week it was only 3 times i'm like UGH! I seriously hate the male gender. Of course once again though this is my fault i'm just setting myself up for heartache. expecting too much from someone who just plainly doesn't care. I know i'm not good enough for him but he could at least humor me for a little while. So i did what i should have just done from the beginning, i deleted his number and since i don't actually have it written down or fully memorized, i won't be able to call/text him. so if he wants me he will call if he doesn't my loss. in the end i guess i lost. I talked to erika tonight. Apparently i said she had an std from charlie i dont remember saying that but we all know the dumb stuff i say when i'm drunk. I didn't mean to say that honestly because she doesn't. Either way charlie isn't the kind of guy to have an std. She also said she never made out with him. Which partially made me smile and cry and on the inside. I got over him because he made out with her. but if he never actually made out with her then i don't know. i miss him thats for sure but i won't cave in on this one. if he ever wants to talk he has my number and so does clinton. maybe its just me i'm always picking the people who appear to be winners but actually turn out to be a dud. Oh but i lie sorta because after i called him, clinton text me and asked me in a criptic message(you had to read your phone upside down) if i'd like to have sex with him i'm like oh sure ya know ignore my call but hell yes, sure hell lets have sex since you're so considerate of my feelings. more like not. That made me a little mad considering i talked to clinton about how i'm not really a ho. I wonder if there is one guy in this whole entire world who isn't possibly a huge jackass, as far as i can see there isn't a one. anyways enough about my shit