Title: What Could Have Been
Summary: 14.13 Ficlet. AU (Kale!Sam) Sam has plenty of secrets.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Gen. Season 14 spoilers.
Warnings: Unbeta'd. One sentence fic.
Word Count: 300+
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a profit, this is just for fun and all the standard disclaimers apply.
caranfindel writes these really cool single sentence ficlets and I really wanted to give this a go, and since I'm copying her format, I thought I'd give her a little AU TED Talk/Kale Sam in return!!!
What Could Have Been
With shaking hands Sam heads straight to the basement of his ultra-sleek house, and into the panic room with a password that's someone's birthday, but Sam doesn't talk about him, so he punches it in and then locks himself inside, and the first thing he sees is the reflection of his slick-backed hair, the black turtle-neck and the glasses that aren't even prescription, and in his head someone says pretentious asshole, but Sam doesn't speak about him, so he pushes it all aside and opens the safe, and just stares at her face as she looks back at him from the photo, her long blonde hair and blue eyes just as he remembers, but along with her the memory comes the smell of her burning flesh, his own scars phantom-searing across his back and arms, and then there's the photo of his parents, and the brother who wasn't around to pull him out of the fire, and this is the stuff that makes him weak, this is the stuff that makes him an out of control loser, and swiping the sweat off his brow he picks up the delicate glass vile from the refrigerated section of the safe and knocks it back like it's a shot of top-shelf bourbon, the demon-blood slicking his throat and erasing the past and all his memories, until the shakes and sweats are gone and all that's left is a flash of golden yellow in his irises as control and order are restored, because emotions and family lead to weakness which is a disgrace that should be eradicated from the world, until the fiery pits of hell look like a vacation, which is all part of Sam's great master plan, one TED-Talk at a time, because he really does love to watch things burn.
A/N: I couldn't help but wonder what could have lead the Sam we know to become the guy we saw on Dean's phone, so I played around with it and got a little carried away!