Drabble Fic - Light and Dark (11.22)

May 22, 2016 16:42

Title: Light and Dark
Summary: 11.22 Drabble fic. Sam, Dean and Chuck's light and Amara's darkness.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Gen. Spoilers for Season 11.
Warnings: None (but this is unbeta'd).
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a profit, this is just for fun and all the standard disclaimers apply.

Light and Dark

Sam was right about sweating choices; in the past everything was in so many different shades of grey, that sometimes it was nearly impossible to tell what was right and what was wrong. But with Chuck around, with God around, the right choice should be easy to make. You pick the light.

But Dean can feel the power of Amara. He can understand her point of view, and he feels her pain and anguish; he wants to comfort her.

Sam picked the light without question. But Dean wants to pick the darkness, and it scares the hell out of him.

A/N: After Chuck's speech about how light needs dark and dark needs light, I wanted to explore aligning Sam with God's light and Dean with Amara's darkness. I do wonder if we're going to see more of this in the finale (I'm spolier free so far and I want to try and keep it that way, so no spoilers please!)

season 11, drabble, dean, sam

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