Another week, another charloft prompt for Thief King Bakura and Dia-ryou. (Ryou-abound? She-abound?) Melodramatic and corny as only MANLY, MANLY ANIME can ever be.
It's Thursday! Give us one hundred words of fiction based around sparring or spar or any other tense of the verb you fancy.
It's a week for me to write untitled, popular pairing fic. Here's a go at Puppyshipping.
Note that I have never written Kaiba before, nor have I read more than a handful of Puppyshipping fics. So I'm sure someone has done this same scene better elsewhere, because really. They beg for it. :/
Fanfic dump! Not including fills for the ygo_rare_pair request meme, for which I want to write pretty much everything buuuut that'd just be unfair. XD Some of these are stuff I'm considering entering in this round's contest, however.
Challenge Name and Number: #035, Trap Drabble Title: Life Goes On Word Count: 597 Warnings (if applicable): Um. An OC? Summary: In this life, we all have our roles to play. Best just to accept them, right? ( Read more... )
Challenge Name and Number: #034, Generation Drabble Title: The First Week Word Count: 415 Warnings (if applicable): Allusions to canon violence. Summary: On the first day the egg waited. Test drive of an AU I currently adore.
Title: Experts at Play Fandom/Claim: Yugioh - Malik Ishtar/Ryou Bakura Rating: PG Prompt: V - Vampires (and “chance” for fanfic50) Summary: There’s more wrong with this doll than Malik supposes.
Title: Between Generations Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Claim: Ryou Bakura Theme: 05. Sociophobia; Fear of People {why can’t we be friends?} Rating: G Word Count: 589 Disclaimer: I don’t own Yugioh. Those only familiar with DM may not “get” this one fully.
Below are three very short oneshots (almost drabbles, really) I’ve sort of slapdashedly written for the ygo_rare_pair contest this month for pairings starting with the letter “G”. I don’t know which to enter, though. Thoughts? (Since they’re all done, I’ll post all of them - I just don’t think I’m allowed/would want to post three fics at a time in a contest
( Read more... )
Title: Victim of Circumstance Fandom: Yugioh: Duel Monsters Characters: Malik Ishtar/Ryou Bakura Prompt: #026, "Forget" Word Count: 1,100 Rating: PG-13 Summary: There's someone sleeping in Ryou's bed. Disclaimer: Yugioh is not mine. I'm also hopefully done spamming for the day.