Dear god flist, I feel like shite on a stick! Seriously. Yesterday my little eyes and nose were all streamy now I'm bunged up and my chest hurts. Anyone know any pretty men they can send my way to massage some Vics Vapo Rub into it? Mum keeps joking that I've caught Kennel cough from the dog (she caught it at the vets)...I'm beginning to think she's right.
Colds = bad espiecially when you have an important interview.I haven't had one in so long I was getting cocky only last week I boasted that I hadn't had a cold in ages. Seems like my immune system thought it would be funny to make me ill. Espiecially when I had the interview of my dreams yesterday! Thank god for ibruprofen. They made me look less zombie-ish but it was quite odd I felt like shit before the interview went in and stopped snuffling and felt normalish came out felt shit again. But I thank the heavens that I didn't sneeze on them!
Ok, I've been keeping the interview under wraps. I didn't want to jinx it and my only RL friend I've told about it is
oraclesmaiden. Its because I really want this job and a friend has just got a job in the same company and I don't want it to turn out I don't get it and everyone think I'm not as good as her. Proud? Me?
The job is a 'Design Assistant' role for a magazine publisher. The interview actually went really well. I was worried that because I really wanted the job it wouldn't go too well, you know nerves and all that. But I wasn't nervous just excited. The people were absolutley lovely and the place such a nice laid back atmosphere.
The best thing is that the interview went really well; I certainly did the best I could. Even if I don't get the job I won't change my mind on that, I did the best I could but someone else did better/had more experience and a better portfolio.
But all that said I still want the job!! :D
Ashes to Ashes. I'm beginning to love you! I'm also beginning to like Alex, sure she's no Sam Tyler but she's getting less twatish.
Ray, you big homophobe, watching you pretend to be gay made me lol.
Also, anyone else think Alex and Gene should just do the deed already? (I mean shag incase anyone is wondering).
Lost is downloading! Yay! Can't wait to see this weeks.
Hope your all well.